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I woke up today, and just like any other day, we had gym class. Yet today, I felt this pit in my stomach, making me feel heavy. I guess I was just nervous. I was afraid to hear my own name. I was afraid that a guard would tell me,
You're leaving.

Yesterday kept repeating in my head over and over, like a broken record. Jacob definitely had some nerve coming here, after everything he has done. I hadn't even told Finn about all that yet. I know I should. I'm just afraid he will be mad, or will do something dumb, not thinking of the consequences. I had woken up quite early, so I decided to wake Finn up and tell him everything.
I get out of bed, the bed squeaking doing so, as I make my way over to Finn. I slightly push him, as he stirs in his sleep, and flutters his eyes open. "M-Millie? Is everything okay?" I smile at him, wondering how I got so damn lucky to ever have him. "Yes Finnie. But, we need to talk.", I say seriously, as he sits up, those words triggering him. "Of course, babygirl, anything. Now go ahead.", he says, as I blush at the nickname, and take a deep breath. "Well, yesterday while you were at lunch, I got called to the front, because I had a visitor. I found this very odd, because I never got any visitors. Like ever. But yes, and then, well...uhh...it-it was Jacob. Anger filled me, and I wanted to burst into tears. I hated him, so much, and well he told me that he was going to get me out of here." At this point, I began to cry, again. Finn raised his hand up to my cheek, and gave me a nod, signaling for me to continue. "I, I lost my temper. I blew up. I said I would never leave here, and that I would rather kill myself. He kept repeating he was going to get me out, and we were going to 'talk' somewhere else, but I told him that if he were to get me out, I would kill him to get back in." I said, as Finn just nodded, and didn't really respond. "Finn? Are you okay? Y-you seem like you-" he cut me off. "Millie. I told Jacob to come." Those words felt like a stab in the back. It truly hurt. "W-what?", I ask, suddenly now angry. "Millie please! I told Hopper abou-" "No Finn! I can't believe you! I trusted you with all of that information, and you just spread it around like some kind of disease? I- I need to go." I say calmly, not wanting to blow up again. "Millie stop!", He yells, as I turn around, tears flowing down my already-red cheeks. "I did this, so you could talk with him. You seemed so broken, and you needed to talk with someone rather than me." He says, trying to get me to stay.
No, Finn. I don't need anyone else to talk to. Only you.

   And with that, I just turned around, and walked out of my cell. I knew exactly where I was going to go.



A/N: Hey guys!!! Sorry for the short-ish update, but I did it in a rush. Dont worry the next chap will be longer, and will be in Finn's POV. Ily all! Have an amazing day/night!

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