Part 3 - Meeting Cel

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I was frozen. I literally couldn't move. My Mum was looking at me in a weird way, I knew who said that, I could recognise that Mancunian accent anywhere, It was Cel. Cel was standing behind me right now. I snapped out of my stupid trance and forced myself to take a deep breath and turn around. There he was. He looked so adorable! He was wearing a greyish button up shirt and an adorable hat. He was just looking at me waiting for a reply. I said;

''Urrr hey'' I could barely understand what I just said so he didn't have a chance. Supprisingly he said;

''Hey, so what's your name gorgeous?'' Then he winked. He winked. HE WINKED! Again I froze. Trying to take in the fact Ceallach Spellman just called me gorgeous AND winked at me. I attempted a flirty smile which probably just looked retarded.

''Heheee, my names Amber'' Oh god. What was that stupid little giggle at the beginning?! GET IT TOGETHER AMBER.

''That's a nice name, I'm Cel'' I smiled again. Blinded by his beauty. I noticed he was taller than me so I just gazed up into his eyes. Suddenly I registered that he had just spoken to me again so I said;

''I know'' There was a moment of awkward silence then my Mum broke it;

''Hi Cel I'm Ambers mother nice to meet you'' LEAVE NOW. OH GOD GET HER AWAY FROM HIM. How embarrassing.... Cel said;

''Nice to meet you'' They shook hands. Already she had touched him, I hadn't! I quickly said;

''Alright Mum you can stop that now'' I said it quietly so Cel wouldn't here me. She said back;

''Alright alright, have fun!'' With that she giggled and left me and Cel alone. I was happy and very nervous at the same time. I couldn't take much more of this awkward silence so I said;

''Urrr, can I have a picture?'' He beamed;

''Yeah sure!'' I got my phone out and before I knew it Cels arm was around my waist. Oh my that felt nice. I also noticed I was shaking loads, I bet he could feel it.

''Hey, Amber you alright? Your shaking'' Oh wow, what was I supposed to say to that?!

''Umm yeah, I'm just really nervous about meeting you'' Oh well done Amber. Now he thinks your a freak.

''Awww there's no need to be nervous babe, I'm not that special'' Oh he called me babe! And his little accent was adorable! What do I say to that?!

''Yes you are! Your my favourite presenter on Friday Download'' I noticed I had calmed down considerably and wasn't shaking.

''Awww really?! Most people like Ricardo the best'' I laughed.

''Well I like you the best'' He had a huge smile on his face.

''Well thank you very much, that means a lot'' I smiled.

''You're welcome! Now how about that picture?'' He said;

''Oh yeah sure!'' I got my phone ready and Cel put his arm around my waist again and we got closer for the pic. I took the photo and then looked at it. I looked crap but Cel looked beautiful as ever. He took my phone off me and looked at it. Oh no he'd see how ugly I was.

''Awww that's cute'' He said. I smiled and said;

''Thanks for the photo Cel'' He smiled again and said;

''No worries'' Then he hugged me. Wow he really does give the best hugs ever. I suddenly got worried. After this hug he was going to walk away to meet more fans and I'd probably never see him again. Subconsciously I hugged him tighter and to my surprise he hugged me back tighter too. I smiled against his shoulder. We pulled away at the same time and I braced myself for what he was about to say. He didn't say anything and he didn't move. I said;

''Ummm don't you have other fans to meet Cel?'' He looked upset.

''No, I've already met all of them. Do you want me to leave?'' Oh no! He looked like he was about to cry!

''No of course not! I want you to stay with me obviously, I just thought you had to meet other fans'' He smiled and pulled me into another hug. I could get used to this. I hugged him back and then he said;

''That's good. So what you wanna do?'' I smiled as Cel wanted to spend his time with me. I said;

''Umm I don't know. But first can we find my Mum? Just so I can tell her where I am and stuff'' He nodded in agreement. I started walking and I was happy with how close Cel walked to me. I started to panic. I'd looked everywhere and I couldn't find her.

''Oh for god sake where is she?!'' Cel noticed I was worried and put his arm around me.

''hey don't worry Amber we'll find her, why don't you phone her?'' I nodded and got my phone out and then realized she had left her phone at home.

''She left her phone at home! Ugh!'' Cel hugged me.

''Hey don't worry babe we'll find her''

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