Part 9 - Sweet Love

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I'd honestly never been so happy in my entire life. I was walking hand in hand with Ceallach and we were on our way to a fancy hotel that Cel said he'd pay for, (even though I insisted it was too much!) We were chatting and laughing about random little things until we finally reached the entrance to the hotel. I was god smacked. This hotel was absolutely huge! It was pure white with a lot of big glass windows and it was slightly curved. No way I was letting Cel pay for this! It had to be at least £1,000 a night.

''Cel I can't let you pay for this! I mean look at it!'' He laughed.

''Amber don't worry honestly, I can afford this trust me'' I looked at him and he looked pretty confident. I wasn't happy at all with him paying for me, but it was getting pretty cold out and I just wanted to be inside.

''Cel are you 100% sure it's okay?'' He laughed again.

''Of course! Now come on it's getting cold'' I sighed still annoyed, but went inside anyway. The inside was spectacular. The floor was beautiful marble and there were flowers everywhere! The ceiling was so high! It was white nearly everywhere and I was scared my shoes would make a mark on the floor so I tread carefully. Cel put his arm around me and we walked up to the desk.

''How may I help you?'' Said the overly cheery desk women. Her hair was in a tight bun and she had a plastic smile. I smiled nervously. Cel said;

''Room for two please, for one night'' She typed something into her computer;

''Double bed?'' I blushed. She winked at me. Oh God. Cel said;

''Yes please'' She smirked and typed something else. Oh wow this was embarresing;

''Right that'll be £300'' That's not too bad. Then she added; ''Each'' I nearly choked on my own breath. I looked at Cel with wide eyes and he gave me a reassuring look;

''Hey don't worry it' fine'' He handed the women the cash, whoa that's a lot of cash, then she handed us a key;

''You're on the 15th floor, room 501, have a nice night'' She winked again. What was with this women and winking?! We were just about to walk away when she said; ''Would you like anything sent up to your room? Candles?...... condoms?'' HOLY SHIT. I stopped dead and I swear my face was on fire I was so embarrassed. Cel looked at me as if to say 'do you?' I gave him a 'I don't know' look. He sighed and said;

''Urmmmm yes please'' ohhh god. That tingling sensation came back. I noticed we had made quite a que and some boys were laughing. Shut up. The women smiled cheekily and said;

''Okay they will be sent up very soon, have fun'' This time she didn't wink. Hmmmm interesting. I walked off with Cel super embarresed as we entered the lift. I took a deep breath and said;

''Oh my god that was so embarrising'' Cel laughed;

''Why?'' I sighed;

''Why do you think?!'' He laughed and rubbed my shoulder;

''Hey don't worry about it'' After a minute the lift finally reached the 15th floor and we went to our room. It was beautiful. The whole room was a deep red and the bed was a fluffy white. There were loads of heart shaped pillows and quiet music playing. I was speechless. Cel said;

''Whoa'' I agreed;

''Yep'' We paused for a moment to take everything in, I just couldn't believe how perfect everything was. I looked out of the window to reveal an amazing view of the city. It was so pretty, it was mostly black but it was spotted with many multicoloured lights and you could hear the distant base of music playing in clubs. Also there was a mesmerising sunset in the background. Cel came beside me and put his arm around me. I said;

''Beautiful isn't it?'' He squeezed my shoulder;

''Yes but not as beautiful as you'' I laughed and turned to him;

''Don't be silly'' I looked deadly serious;

''I'm not, I mean it'' I smiled. He was so perfect. He was gorgeous and had a beautiful personality. I hoped so much that he'd never leave me, the thought made me tear up;

''Hey baby what's wrong'' I laughed at my stupid crying;

''Nothing I'm just being stupid'' He leaned in and kissed away the tears from my cheeks. I swear I felt electricity. I smiled and stared into his beautiful brown eyes. Time went in slow motion for a moment as I relished this perfect moment. Both of us leaned in and then our lips touched. It felt perfect. The way our lips moved in such harmony made me believe we were meant to be together, the kiss got deeper and felt even better. Cel nibbled on my bottom lip begging for entrance, I opened my mouth and our tongues moved together so perfectly it felt as if we were one person. Cel picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist and we fell on the bed.

My hands began to roam around Cels body and his did the same to me. It was getting hotter and that tingling sensation was stronger than ever, directly in my crotch. Without really thinking I pushed my lower body closer to Cel and I felt his hard erection against my crotch. I wanted him. Our bodies were even closer now and Cel was kissing my neck. He began sucking on my sweet spot and I couldn't help but let out a little moan. He smiled against my neck;

''You like that?'' I smiled;

''Well obviously'' Just as we were getting into it there was a knock at the door. I remembered Cel had ordered candles and condoms. I giggled the thought. Cel got off of me and said;

''Urrr I'll get it'' I laughed. Cel opened the door to reveil that scary desk lady. She smirked and said;

''Here are your candles and condoms, have fun'' She smiled and suppressed a giggle. I went red again. Cel smiled;

''Umm thanks'' He closed the door and I just went into a fit of laughter. I said;

''Well that kinda ruined the moment'' Cel laughed;

''Yep'' I picked up the condom and just laughed at it. Cel joined me. I was annoyed because I didn't feel 'in the mood' anymore. I was actually pretty tired.

''Hey Cel are you tired?'' He smiled and cuddled me;

''Yeah I am actually, you wanna go to bed?'' I didn't want to dishearten him. But I had to admit I was nearly asleep;

''Yeah.... kinda. Is that okay?'' Cel laughed at my nervous voice;

''It's absolutely fine! Lets go to bed'' I yawned and said;

''Okay bub'' I took off my top and trousers so i was just in my bra and underwear, Cels eyes widened;

''Hey this is okay right?'' I winked at him. He smiled;

''Definitely'' He took off his shirt and trousers so he was just in boxers, I smirked, he said;

''This is okay, right?'' I smiled at him mocking me;

''Definitely'' I laughed and snuggled down into bed. Cel came close to me and put him arm, and leg around me. I cuddled closer to him. ''Cel I love you, I'm so glad your hear with me, you'll never leave me right?'' He kissed my neck;

''Of course I'll never leave you, you're mine and I never want that to change, your perfect Amber'' He kissed my neck again and I smiled. For the rest of the night I slept peacefully safe in Cels arms. This was perfect.

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