Part 10 - Catastrophe

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THANK YOU FOR READING MY FANFIC:D I never thought my Ceallach one would get this popular:L Well I'd actually finished writing this but because people kept asking me when the next part would be up... I decided to do two more parts:) You better love me for this ;) This one isn't that happy though:o It can't be all good! aha. Well enjoy reading this part:D and the next part.... :)xxx


I woke up feeling extremely refreshed and happy. Last night was one of the best nights of my life, purely because it was spent with Cel. My wonderful, amazing, perfect new boyfriend. The thought of losing him made my heart hurt. I sat up in my bed remembering i was in a luxury hotel, I smiled to myself. I suddenly realized that Cel wasn't next to me. There was a pale yellow light coming in from the huge window, it looked quite late. I checked my phone and saw that it was 10:45am. I sighed and slumped in my bed. Where the hell was Cel?! Suddenly the door opened. It was Cel whistling. He had a massive tray of pancakes and orange juice. I smiled again, this was like our meal.

''Morning gorgeous, sleep well?'' He gave a sexy little smirk;

''Yeah thanks, oh my god that looks delicious, gimme!'' he laughed;

''Hey you had most of them last time!'' He winked. I blushed.

''Yeah but, I'm hungry'' I pouted and made my eyes really big, trying to look cute and innocent. He let out and exaggerated sigh;

''Finnneeeeee, but just because I love you'' He smiled and sat on the bed next to me. I took four of the ten pancakes, squirted them with a lo of maple syrup and dug in. (They were small pancakes I'm not that fat okay!) Cel raised his eyebrows and then smiled. He took two. After a good ten minutes of stuffing my face I'd eaten 6 pancakes. I felt remarkably stuffed and warm. I smiled at Cel with maple syrup on my lips. He just laughed. He was on his fourth pancake, the last pancake. Sigh. When he'd finished he turned to me with an odd look;

''Hey Amber you've got something right there'' He pointed to my lips. I was about to lick them;

''No no don't do that! Here I'll get it for you'' he placed his lips onto mine licking the maple syrup off them. A pleasant shiver went down my spine. I smiled against his lips and he kissed me harder. The passion and electricity I was getting from this kiss was unreal. Definitely the best kiss yet. After 5 minutes of heaven we both pulled away at the same time. I smiled. Neither of us had maple syrup on our lips anymore. He pulled me into a sideways hug and kissed my head;

''I never want to let you go Amber, you're seriously perfect for me'' I couldn't help but smile like an idiot. I looked up and him and gently placed a kiss on his lips.

''Ditto'' I winked. That was what he said to me the first time I confessed my feelilngs. For some reason his face suddenly dropped;

''But I'm worried'' My heart fluttered slightly, what did he mean?

''About what babe?'' He sighed.

''We live so far away from each other, it's going to be hard to keep in touch so much'' A tear rolled down his cheek and I could feel mine coming;

''But that doesn't really matter does it? I mean I know we don't live exactly close but.... we love each other so much that distance isn't really a problem, is it?'' I started to shake, he didn't look hopeful. It took him a whole 30 seconds to reply;

''I wish our love was enough, but I don't see how this can work'' My heart stopped. Was he breaking up with me? I couldn't take it;

''Ar-are you breaking up with me?'' I could hear the break in my voice but I didn't care. I felt the horrible build up of tears in my eyes. I tried to hold them back because when I started crying, there'd be no stopping me.

''I don't want to! Not at all! It's just that-'' I couldn't hear the rest of what he was about to say. I knew I was about to start crying, a lot. I jumped off the bed and ran into the on-suite bathroom. I put my head inbetween my legs and started crying. I was crying so hard that it hurt my chest, I was sure I'd run out of tears soon. After I'd locked the door I immediately heard Cel running to the door, he started banging on it;

''Amber please don't cry! I love you and you know that! I wish we could be together so so much! I wished you lived here in Manchester, but you live so far away in Oxfordshire. I mean you could try to keep this relationship going but I don't see how it could work! I'm sorry...'' I heard him start to cry. Which just made me want to cry more. I cried for what seemed like hours but it was probably only half an hour. After I'd attempted to suppress my tears; I was only breathing hard now. I realized I couldn't hear Cel outside anymore. I'd been crying for so long that he.... left? I tried to cry but nothing came out, I'd run out of tears. I just sat there. A blank expression on my ugly, useless, unlovable face for a whole 2 hours, going over and over in my head about how much Cel didn't love me. My heart jumped when I heard the bedroom door open. It was Cels voice... but someone else's too, it sounded familiar, who was i- OMG MY MOTHER?!

''Yeah so Clair, Amber's really upset. I think she needs you right now. She's in here'' NO I NEED YOU, YOU IDIOT. He tried to open the door, guess he'd forgotten it was locked. I heard him sigh;

''Amber please open the door your mothers here'' I nearly started crying again. My Mum spoke;

''Oh darling you sound like you've been crying, I've missed you so much! I'll explain later while I left you two days ago, I've never regretted something so much in my entire life! Please come out'' Then she started crying. Jesus who wasn't crying around here. In the end I decided to be brave and unlocked the door, Cel heard the lock click and opened the door. My Mum gasped when she saw me and Cel looked sympathetic. Stupid good actor.

''Darling!'' She squealed. She pulled me into a tight hug. I didn't smile, I didn't cry, I was completely emotionless. She pulled back and looked at me;

''What's wrong?'' I couldn't speak right now. Cel explained everything....... My Mum was slowly nodding her head through everything Cel was saying. I just sat there, my knees against my head, trying to block everything out. I must have completely blanked out because a minute later my Mum was waving her hand in front of my face;

''Amber? Cel just told me everything..'' Yeah I know I was here. ''I now know how much you both mean to each other and it breaks hy heart to see it end like this! You both live so far away from each other which is the saddening thing. If you went out you wouldn't be able to keep a successful and committed relationship. I think it's best if you stay just friends for now'' She put a hand on my shoulder and Cel couldn't even look at me. I didn't catch everything she just said, mostly I heard 'you both live so far away' and 'stay just friends for now. My body was in so much shock I couldn't even produce emotions. My Mum broke the silence again;

''Right well sweetie we better get going, you're Dads finally home from his business trip and he's dying to see you!'' Yeah *Step* Dad. I sighed and slowly stood up. No point in staying sat there for much longer. I walked with my Mum downstairs and Cel slowly followed behind us. When we reached the entrance to the hotel it time for me to say goodbye to Cel. I turned to him, it felt like I was going to cry again He said;

''I guess this is goodbye, I had so much fun and I'm going to miss you so much'' His voice was blank, with no emotion. That's what made me upset the most, he didn't care about me. I just nodded. He hugged me, very tightly. I attempted to hug him back, but I felt like I was hugging a stranger. I couldn't convince myself that he loved me. I wanted to die. He looked at me with pain staking eyes and I felt mine fill with tears again.

''Awww you two. Darling I'll just go to the car and leave you two in your moment, the cars just across the road, come when your ready'' My mothers voice was a blur, I couldn't concentrate on anything. What was wrong with me? The next few seconds were the slowest of my life. And the most painful in so many different ways. This happened all in the same few seconds; I hugged Cel for the last time ever, I felt so broken. But that wasn't all. Suddenly the sound of squealing tires filled my ears and so did my mother's scream. I couldn't turn my head fast enough. The next time I looked at my mother she was a broken body on the floor. A huge gash in her head filled the road with blood, and her angle was twisted the wrong way. I died inside. I took one last look at her and Cel and then.. the  world went black...........

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