Part 8 - Betrayal

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Just want to say before I write this Dani isn't a bitch in real life:L She's a real person and she's very lovely, not a bitch at all! Just wanted to tell you all in case you thought she was my enemy or something:P please vote and comment it means a lot! Thanks and enjoy!xxx

Ambers P.O.V

Cel and I had been walking for about 10 minutes but we had finally arrived at the park where we say Aidan and Dani, buried in each others faces. Ew. I took a deep breath and looked at Cel. He smiled encouragingly. Thank god he'd agreed to do the talking, I could barely stand up straight. We walked towards them and Cel said;

''Hey Aidan can I talk to you for a minute?'' They came up for air and Dani scowled at me. I turned away. Aidan said;

''Urr yeah sure mate'' He quickly kissed Dani and said he'd be right back. I went with Cel and Aid, there was no way I was staying with her. When we got a considerable distant from Dani we started to talk, Aidan said;

''So what's up?'' Cel had a serious look on his face and I just stood there awkwardly. Cel said;

''You see the thing is... Dani isn't who she seems to be. She's flirted with me and she made Amber feel like shit. She said I was too good for Amber, and she nibbled my ear. Dude I'm really sorry about this but, Dani's a bitch mate. You gotta get rid of her'' I anxiously looked at Aidan and he looked really angry. I held my breath and held Cels hand. He squeezed it. Aidan finally spoke;

''Aha, bullshit'' I was a bit taken back and I think Cel was too. He said;

''Wait what?'' Aidan laughed;

''Cel do you really expect me to believe that? You obviously have something against her but I don't understand what it is. She's a lovely girl, why can't you let me be happy with a girl?'' I was speechless and I think Cel was as well. He took a deep breath and said;

''Aid what the hell?! I wouldn't lie about that, why would you think that?!'' Aidan laughed his little cocky laugh again.

''I can't do this anymore Ceallach. I don't like you calling my girlfriend a bitch, so see ya'' He pushed pass me and Ceallach and went back to eat Dani's face again. My mouth was hanging open and Cel had his hand on his face. I said;

''What's with Aidan?'' Cel sighed.

''He's like this when he gets girlfriends. He hasn't had one for a while so he's even worse now'' I was confused.

''What do you mean?'' Cel sighed and turned to me;

''Basically when he gets a girlfriend he rejects all his friends. He focuses purely on his girlfriend and doesn't believe anything you say, it's really annoying'' I hugged Cel and said;

''Don't worry babe, eventually he'll see how much of a bitch she really is'' He hugged me back tight and he cried a little. It was so cute. I rubbed his back and kissed his cheek. He mumbled;

''Your amazing Amber, I love you'' I smiled against his chest.

''I love you too baby'' Although I was worried about the whole 'Aidan and Dani' situation, I couldn't help but be happy around Cel, his smile lit up my day and his presence just made me smile. He was perfect to be honest. He took his hand in mine and we headed off to Nandos. We walked passed Dani and Aidan and Dani smirked at me and winked at Cel. Bitch. Aidan scowled at both of us, I could barely look at him. Cel noticed I was slowing up and pulled me slightly, I jogged to catch up. Eventually we reached Nandos and Cel said;

''Table for two please'' The man said;

''Alright that'll be about a 10 minute wait, take a seat'' He gestured to a bench and Cel and I sat down. I said;

''Cel I'm worried about Aidan, he's gunna get his heart broken soon'' He squeezed my hand and said;

''Please don't worry about it sweetie, He's made the decision and right now he deserves it'' I smiled at Cel;

''Yeah I guess your right'' He winked;

''I'm always right'' I laughed;

''Of course you are'' I scooched up closer to him and put his arm around me and kissed my head. Cel said;

''At least we have each other, that's all that matters right now and it's all I want'' I'd never been so happy, Cel was mine and I never wanted that to end;

''I'm so happy Cel'' He laughed;

''Me too bub'' He ran his fingers through my hair and it felt so good. I smiled and hugged him tighter. After another 5 minutes of blissful silence our table was finally ready. We got up and walked over. I already knew what I wanted without looking at the menu. I smiled as I looked at Cels adorable concentrated face as he looked at the menu;

''Know what you want yet Cel?'' He shook his head;

''No not yet, what are you having?'' I smiled;

''Chicken wrap with chips'' I didn't get the double chicken one because I didn't want to look fat. Cel eventually gave up;

''You know what I'll just have the same'' I laughed;

''Lets go get it then'' We got up and ordered our food and drinks, then went back to the table. I said;

''You know I love being here with you Cel'' He smiled and fixed his hair;

''Ditto, hey you feel like staying in a hotel tonight?'' I nearly choked on my coke.

''Really? Why?'' 

''You know just for a change, it could be fun'' He winked and I understood. A tingling sensation went straight through me and I got really excited. Our food came and we ate it all pretty fast. I was so full. Cel said;

''You wanna go to the hotel now?'' He winked and smiled. I was so happy;

''Yes definitely!'' We payed and then left Nandos. Tonight was going to be a good night. I couldn't wait.

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