Part 4 - Lost

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''Cel we've looked everywhere! We just need to except the fact that we're not going to find her'' I noticed my voice breaking and then I felt a hot tear stream down my face. I began sobbing which was very unattractive. Cel pulled me into a warm embrace and I could feel his hot breath on my neck.

''Don't worry sweetheart of course we'll find her! She can't of gone far'' I sniffed and i realized with a shock I'd soaked Cels shoulder.

''Yeah but Manchester us a pretty big city Cel'' He laughed.

''Yes but she was here a moment ago! I doubt she'd be able to walk to the other side of the city in 10 minutes'' He put am arm around my waist and winked at me. I felt slightly better.

After a horrible 30 minutes of looking for my stupid mother, I decided to give up. I sat in a small rock and put my face in my hands. I began sobbing again. A few seconds later I felt Cels hand rub my back and he was saying over and over ''shhhh'' If Cel wasn't next to me I don't know what I'd do. I'd be much more upset. Knowing that Cel was next to me helped me calm down slightly.

''Amber I... I think we'll find her soon'' I could hear the doubt in his voice. He was only saying it to comfort me.

''Cel please don't. We've looked everywhere for like 40 minutes. We're not going to find her and it's getting dark, what the hell am I going to do?!'' I didn't mean for that to come out aggresivly but I think it did. I felt Cel tense beside me and I instantly felt guilty, I sighed.

''Cel I'm sorry, I didn't mean to talk to you like that, I-I'm just you know... scared'' I saw a small smile spread across Cels face and he moved closer to me again.

''Hey'' He rubbed my shoulder. ''Don't worry about me. I'm fine, but your not sweetie'' I started crying again because my Mum always calls me that. Suddenly all these thoughts came into my head. What if she had been hurt? What if someone had kidnapped her? What if she had got hit by a car? All these very graphic 'What ifs' floating round my head wasn't helping. Cel hugged me for about the millionth time and it got better each time. I clung onto him never wanting to let go. I sobbed into his shoulder not caring about how much of an idiot I sounded or how much my make-up had run. I was pretty sure I looked like a raccoon.

''Please don't cry Amber, it makes me want to cry'' He hugged my closer and kissed the top of my head. My arms tightened around Cels neck and crying subsided slightly. I just wanted to stay like this. In Cels arms. I felt safe. I realized it was getting pretty dark right now. It was 8:00pm. My Mum must have gone home by now.

''Cel what am I going to do?'' I looked at him and he pulled his eyebrows together, thinking of a solution. Finally he said;

''Well I'm obviously not letting you sleep on the streets. You can sleep at my house'' Suddenly my stomach filled with butterflies. My heart fluttered slightly and I was quite anxious. I'd have to meet his Mum.

''Oh my god thank you!'' I pulled him into another hug and kissed his cheek.

''You know every time we hug it gets better every time'' Cel said. His voice was muffled by my hair but I still felt a warm sensation inside of me. I really think I'm falling for Cel. We stood up at the same time and I said;

''So how far is your house from here?'' Cel smiled and said;

''Not that far, about a 10 minute walk'' I smiled;

''Ahhh good'' I noticed it was getting pretty cold and I shivered.

''Hey are you cold?'' I looked down;

''Yeah a bit'' Cel touched his torso as if he was seeing if he had a jacket for me to wear. I smiled at his sweetness. He looked at me slightly concerned and said;

''Hey come here'' I walked over to him and he put a comforting arm around my waist again, rubbing aggressively;

''Better?'' I smiled.

''Yeah a bit'' I was actually suddenly very hot but I didn't want him to let go of me. He continued to rub not quite so aggressively as we headed off to his house. By now I felt like I'd just been in an oven. Cels touch made me so warm inside. My stomach was going mad as we walked up to the front steps. I started shaking again. Cel rubbed my shoulder. I don't know why I was expecting him to knock on the door as it was his house but I was a little taken back when he just walked in. I clung to him. Oh wow his house was so warm.

''So urr... this is it'' He put his arms out in a gesturing motion as he showed me a little part of his house. I smiled. Suddenly out of the blue a women (Whom I assumed was his Mum) Walked out. Cel caught her.

''Hey Mum, this is my friend Amber, she lost her Mum tonight and she had no where to stay, can she stay here?'' Cels Mums eyes scanned me. I became very self consious. She sighed;

''Well of course, hi Amber I'm Biddy Cels Mum'' I smiled. Cute name. She put her hand out and I shaked it happily. Then she said;

''But I don't know where she can sleep Ceallach. The sofa has been refurbished and has no cushions. And we don't have a spare bedroom'' Soon after Cel said;

''She can sleep in my room'' I was shocked. I noticed Biddy's eyebrows were raised and Cel winked at me cheekily. I smirked. Tonight was going to be an interesting night.

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