Part 7 - The Bitch

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Cels P.O.V

The movie was about to start and I felt slightly awkward. I was sat in the middle of Dani and Amber and I had a feeling Amber didn't like Dani and was angry or upset for some reason. I turned to her and laughed. Her mouth was full of popcorn. She blushed and ate it quickly and then smiled. I noticed her hand resting on the armrest and decided to place my hand on top. Her hand was soft and warm and I saw her smile. About 30 minutes into the movie there was a scary scene. I didn't find it that scary but I hoped Amber did, so I could comfort her. I put my arm around her and she snuggled closer to me. I whispered;

''You okay?'' I felt her nod against my chest. I kissed the top of her head and pulled her closer. I felt really happy and comfy and I never wanted Amber to move. Suddenly I felt a nudge against my side, it was Dani. She whispered;

''Hey Cel you want some?'' I was confused but then I saw a packet of Haribo in her hand. I shook my head;

''No I'm fine thanks'' I felt Amber stiffen as I spoke to Dani. I rubbed her shoulder. Eventually the movie finally finished and the lights came up. I stretched and said to Amber;

''Haha you were so scared'' I winked at her and she smiled.

''No I wasn't! Okay maybe I was for like one scene'' I laughed;

''Yeah sure, ONE scene'' She punched my arm;

''Shut up'' At least she seemed to be in a better mood than earlier. I still wanted to know what was up though. We walked out of the cinema and I said to Aidan and Dani;

''Hey guys is it alright if Amber and I go off to Nandos?'' Dani immediately said;

''Hey we'll go with you'' She brushed my arm and rested her hand on it. She smiled at me. I felt uncomfortable and I could see Amber was getting annoyed. I said;

''Urrr well actually I kinda wanted to go alone, you know just me and Amber'' Dani's face dropped and she said;

''Whatever'' Then she leaned in closer and whispered in my ear; ''Your too good for her'' She lightly nibbled my ear, winked and then went off to join Aidan. The Bitch! I turned to Amber and she looked very angry.

''What did she say to you?!'' She fumed. I uncomfortably shifted from foot to foot and said;

''Nothing...'' She got closer and said;

''Tell me Ceallach!'' I sighed.

''Fine.. she said I was too good for you, which is so not true!'' Her eyes widened and she clenched her fist.

''I knew she was a bitch! ugh! Well, are you too good for me?'' I shook my head;

''Of course not! Why would you think that?!''

''No reason'' I thought hard. And then I remembered this morning when I said she wasn't my girlfriend, was that what this was about? 

''Hey is it because of this morning?'' She took a deep breath.

''Don't know what you mean'' I sighed and said;

''Amber come on.. are you annoyed that I said we were just friends?'' I was surprised at my bravery and waited with bated breath for her answer.

''I.. urr.. umm'' I saw her shaking and she started to cry.

''Awwww come here'' I pulled her into a hug and said;

''Don't worry about it. I only said that because we're not OFFICIALLY. Will you go out with me Amber?'' She stopped crying and turned to me with a shocked face.

''Seriously?'' I smiled and hugged her again;


''Of course!'' I smiled at her sudden happiness and picked her up and spun her round. I said;

''So it's official then'' She smiled and nodded and looked me in the eye;

''Yep!'' To my surprise she leaned in and kissed me on the lips. It was only brief and lasted about a second but it was amazing. She blushed and said;

''Sorry'' I laughed;

''Don't be sorry!'' I kissed her again and she responded eagerly. I held her waist with both arms and she wrapped her arms around my neck. I pulled her closer. After 5 minutes we finally came up for air. She was beaming and I was so happy. I took her hand and said;

''Well we should tell Aidan about Dani. You know, how much of a bitch she is'' She squeezed my hand and said;

''Yeah definitely, I really hate her'' I laughed;

''Yeah me too'' She looked at me and said;

''She said you only want me for my body'' I stopped walking and took her head in my hands;

''Don't believe anything she says. That's totally not true and you know it. I love you for YOU'' She blushed slightly and sniffed;

''You... l-love me?'' I hadn't realized I'd said it and I blushed in embarrassment. 

''Well... yeah. Do you love me?'' I was actually terrified  of her answer. Eventually she said;

''Of course I do baby!'' She jumped in my arms and I held her tight and kissed her passionately. After another 10 minutes we both agreed to go find Dani and Aidan. And tell Aidan about how much of a bitch Dani was....

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