Part 11 - The End of My World

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First of all I want to apologize for not updating this FanFic for so long. I'M REALLY SORRY:( Lately I've been quite busy and to be honest I sort of forgot... again I'm sorry:( I know I said in the previous chapter I'd write two more parts but I've come up with a better story line. So I'll be writing slightly more:) Probably two to three more parts:) Thank you for reading this fanfic, it means a lot. ENJOY :D xxx


I slowly opened my heavy eyes and realized I was bobbing up and down. I rubbed my eyes with one hand and looked up. Cel was carrying me. I figured that I'd passed out but I couldn't remember why.. Suddenly it hit me. My Mum had been hit by a car. I nearly threw up. The last time I saw her she was in a terrible state, bloody head, and an angle twisted the wrong way, her face had been so pale and I didn't know whether she was breathing. Cel noticed I'd woken up;

''Hey, you feelin okay?'' He gave me a sympathetic smile and I grimaced;

''Cel where's my Mum?'' His face dropped. My heart stopped, what if she was dead? Where would I go? How would I cope? I felt a hot tear roll down my cheek. Cel took a deep breath.

''She's stable Amber'' I frowned;

''What the hell does that mean?!'' I was starting to get frustrated, I just wanted to see her. Cel put me  down so I could stand up. I put my hands on my hips and raised my eyebrows. He bit his lip;

''Well... it means she's not in any immediate danger, you know.. she's urr.. not going to die any time soon'' I gasped. He continued. ''She's currently in a coma on a breathing machine, the doctors aren't entirely sure how it will go from here. But don't worry sweetheart, she's fine for now'' I tensed up. Even Cel rubbing my arm wouldn't help. I was trying to fight my emotions as I wanted to stay strong for her, I gulped;

''I-I want to see her, where is she?'' Cel took my hand, he whispered;

''This way'' By the tone of his voice I knew it wouldn't be a pretty sight. I braced myself for the worst. We walked through the white washed corridors and there was that constant strange smell of cleanliness in the air. It made me feel uncomfortable. After an agonising 5 minutes of walking and two flights of stairs we finally reached my Mums room. I took another deep breath as Cel opened the door. It took me a few seconds to absorb and accept what met my eyes. My Mum looked so broken, so weak, so helpless. I couldn't hold in my emotions anymore, I cried like a baby. Cel took me in his arms as I soaked his shoulder. He rubbed my back and kissed my head, even that didn't make me feel any better.

''Cel c-can I it by her?'' He smiled sweetly and nodded. Right now I must look like shit, Cel didn't seem to mind though. I was still confused to whether we had broken up or not. To be honest though I was more concerned about my Mum. I noticed she had a private room and wondered who had payed for it. I timidly walked over to her side and looked down at her. She looked even worse up close. I sat by the side of her bed careful not to nudge her, there were so many needles inside her which made me cringe slightly. I took another deep breath;

''Hey there Mum, I know you probably can't here me right now but... I just want you to know that I love you so much, no matter what happens. I just... I... I don't know what to say. You mean the world to me, you've helped me grow and been by my side through the bad and good. I can't imagine life without you. Please don't leave me now... please mummy'' I started crying again. This time I knew I wouldn't be able to stop. I let it all out. I slowly put my head on my Mums fragile chest and held her hand. After what seemed like forever I felt a tap on my shoulder, it was Cel, he sat next to me.

''Cel what if she never wakes up?'' He hugged me;

''She will baby, she will'' He hugged me tightly.

''You two make such an adorable couple'' I nearly jumped out my skin. I actually let out a small yelp. My Mum just talked?! It sounded muffled by her oxygen mask but still!

''Mum?! MUM?!'' She giggled;

''Hi sweetheart'' I smiled and hugged her.

''How are you feeling, do you feel any better?!'' She smiled;

''Don't worry about me hun'' My smile dropped, whaaat?

''What do you mean?!?!'' She laughed again;

''Nothing silly, the doctor has just been speaking to me actually'' The Doctor? When was that?

''Well... what did he say?!'' She tightened her hand around me;

''I don't want you to worry darling, honestly I'll be fine'' She didn't sound to sure, oh my god why wouldn't she tell me?! My breathing increased and I was even more worried. Her doctor suddenly came in with a sympathetic look on his face, he nodded at me and said to my Mum;

''How you doing Clair? Are you comfortable enough?'' She shuffled around a bit;

''To be honest John I could use another pillow, but yeah I feel okay'' He went out the room for a second and came pack with a fluffy white pillow. He gently lifted my Mums head and placed the pillow underneath. Her almost translucent skin made me shiver, she looked so breakable. I suddenly had the urge to pee. I didn't want to leave her though. I waited another ten minutes but it was getting to much, I needed to go.

''Cel I'm just going to go to the loo, stay with her okay?'' He nodded and my Mum said;

''hey I'll be fine, go pee'' I smiled;

''K I'll be right back'' I swiftly walked out of the room and went to the nearest toilet. After a couple of minutes I walked back to the room, the door was closed. Hmm that's weird. I hesitated slightly and swallowed. I was about to open when I heard Cel say;

''Okay, I'll go find her'' His voice was dead, emotionless, almost ghost like. He opened the door and he was right in front of me. He widened his eyes and I could see him gulp. 

''H-hey baby'' He smiled without emotion and I became really nervous. What was going on?!

''Cel what's happened?'' He looked nervous and upset. I pushed past him and my heart stopped. I couldn't see my Mum anymore, she was covered with a white blanket. That could only mean one thing. I dropped to my knees. Put my head in my hands and cried my heart out. I couldn't, wouldn't, didn't know how to deal with this.This feeling was indescribable. This really was, the end of my world.


Sorry this chapter wasn't very good:/ As I was writing it I wasn't happy with it. Anyway thanks for reading it:) Please vote, comment thank you xxx

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