The Battle

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"If someone were to walk in right now, how weird do you think we'd look? I probably look like I'm floating." she smiles. "I don't know how I'd be able to explain that one." she nettles closer into my chest. I rest my cheek on top of her head. "I'm tired of only talking through the Force. I want to be able to talk to you for as long as I want, whenever I want."

"Me too." and because the Force is heartless, Rey is ripped away that second.


The next couple of days are insane. The Resistance is getting ready for the fight of our lives. I look over at Chewie. "Ready?" he nods. We enter the Falcon. The trip is a short one. Half of the Resistance is going to Cohdue, and the other half, including me, are going to Gonfor. Finn and Poe aren't going to be on the same planet as I am. I wonder which planet Ben will be on. The ship jolts forward, and a short time later, we arrive. "Alright, just drop me off wherever, and then do you're thing."

Chewie drops me off in the heart of the battle, and I scan for Ben. He's not here. In a way, this is good. Now I can focus on the fight. I take a breath and run into the bloodshed. A trooper skins my arm with his blast. I've gotten a lot better at dodging projectiles. I've taken down about a dozen more troopers, when I feel the pull. Really? Now, of all times?

I see Ben ricocheting shots off of his saber. "Now's not really a good time." he pants striking a person, I can't see who. I do, however notice that he's not actually killing anyone by the way he's fighting.

"I don't control this!" I see about five stormtroopers charging at me. I twirl my saber like a baton.

"Let's go!" a very confident trooper shouts at me. I kill him first. The rest follow in a matter of seconds. I almost feel bad. Stormtroopers are kind of really easy to beat.

"So, how are things?" I turn to Ben.

"You know," he shrugs. "Same old, same old." he grins. I'm distracted for a second before I remember where I am. I smile, this is sort of like we're fighting together again. I love it. I don't show him my surroundings, and he doesn't show me his, so we don't get confused. After a while, I'm starting to get bored. This was the First Order's master plan?

"Ben, this is too easy. Are you positive that this was the entire plan." he frowns, unsure.

"That is what I was told. They have to tell me everything." As if the First Order somehow sensed our conversation, dozens of new TIE fighter appeared in the sky.

"What-where did all of these come from?" Ben looks up at his sky.

"Did a lot more fighter just show up where you are?" I nod. "Ah. I see. They were trying to let you think that you were winning, before actually starting to fight back." I swallow. We've got more work to do. I turn to Ben, but he's gone.


Rey leaves, and I have to start fighting again. It's really hard to make it look like I'm trying my absolute hardest to kill Resistance fighters, especially when whenever someone gets the chance, they shoot at me. I huff. I've knocked out dozens of fighters, but I haven't killed one. I did however, "accidentally" kill a few stormtroopers.

I glance around and see Finn fighting three troopers at once. He seems to be struggling. I turn my head slightly to the right. All three troopers stumble, giving Finn an opening he cuts them down. I look around to see if I can help anyone else.

After countless minutes, the fighting dies down a little. Not one side will back down. Both continue to fight. I honestly have no idea who will come up in the end.

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