First time for everything

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P.o.v Liana
The whole ride back to Forks i stare out the window i've been nervous and excited.I feel like something is pulling me towards Forks but i can't figure it out even with my powers, no budge.

I turn to look at Emmett
Liana:How much further brother
He looks at me through the mirror
Emmett:10 minutes honey
i nod and turn back to the window

10 minutes later

I hop off the car and see my adoptive parents standing there ready for a greeting

I smile and run at them
i sigh as i hug my mother
Liana:Esme, i missed you so much sorry i couldn't reach out to you sooner
i turn to my father and give him a bear hug
Liana:Carlisle, i definitely missed you

Esme:Oh honey it's okay i'm just glad your home
Carlisle:I couldn't agree more sunflower
He gives me a kiss on my temple

Liana:Soo where is my 2nd favorite brother at ?
(background) Emmett:that's stone cold honey !!
I roll my eyes playfully

??:I'm right here Lee
i turn to my left and see Edward coming forward with his newborn mate
I run up and hug him tightly
Liana:Im so glad to see you pennyhead
i hear a growl next to me so i turn to look at his mate who is glaring at me with a killer look.

I let go of Edward and look at her smirking
Liana:Hmm well well , what do we have here?
i circle around her
Liana:Jealousy doesn't suit you Bella
I stand infront of her
She looks at me angrily
Bella:Who are you and how do you know my name?
i put on a fake hurt expression
Liana:It is part of my power but Im hurt that my family has never mentioned me..the names Liana Whitlock Cullen A.k.a Honey , nice to meet ya sweety
i wink at her as i notice her face comes to realization on who i am
Bella:Honey...i am so sorry, i didn't know, being a newborn is having my emotions way to heightened
Liana:Dont sweat it i get it ,so dear eddy can we please discuss on why my assistance is greatly needed

He nods and motions for us to go inside the house
I look at Garrett and we both speed into the living room seeing other vampires here already
I raise an eyebrow and smirk at them

I wrinkle my nose smelling something awful
Liana:Ugh a wolf really and from the Lapush pack..vampires are enough already
Garrett:Couldn't agree more

I see everyone is now reunited in the living room and Edward stands up to begin the session
Edward:Thank you all for coming here to witness something that has put my family in danger , even if it could cost your life.
I look at Garrett confused and he gives me the same look
I see Edward nod at Bella who then enters the room with a child being carried by a some wolf guy , she has characteristics of both vampire and human
Half the room gasps *Ugh way too much fear at one time*
I put up a shield around the room knowing they'll try to run and ruin everything
Edward looks at me appreciated
I nod for him to continue

Edward:She has blood running through her vains .. I am her father and Bella's her mother

I crunch my face in confusion for a moment before i realize exactly why Alice wanted me found...I look at the little girl and instantly feel the didn't i notice it before ? i look at Edward who looked as if he knew i just figured it out and nodded for confirmation on the newly info i just discovered.

Half the room argues until i send a painful serum to shut them up and have them stay in place

Bella:It's true..she was born while i was still human

Liana:Never heard of such a thing before

Edward:She'll show you if you let her...Renesmee

The little girl hopped off the guys arms and stepped forward causing the vampires in the room to step back
She had a hurt look on her face with this causing me to go mad for some reason

I send everyone on their knees in pain except my family and the wolf guy
I step forward causing the wolf guy to step forward protectively
I growl at him
Liana:Back off dog , she's my niece
I continue to walk forward till i am near her and get on one knee infront of her

Liana:Beautiful creature you are darling
She blushed and put her hand in my cheek
Showing me everything she's seen and felt since her birth
I look at her with wonder
Liana:Beautiful and unique, perfect combination

I grab her hand, close my eyes and then open them
i put my hand on her cheek and
tell her through her mind ~
Liana:I give you my word to protect you with everything i have , till death ~
She gasps and then runs to Bella's arms

Renesmee:Mommy! She has the same powers as me!

I laugh and stand up
Edward and Bella smile down at her and Wolf guy who i now know is named Jacob looks at her with admiration

Edward:she's a copycat and an elemental
Renesmee:what does that mean?
Carlisle:Means she copied your power , she did this when she held your hand but she could easily do it without contact,her natural power was to control the elements but she can control anything that this earth has created,i am assuming you gained new powers Sunflower ?
Liana:I sure did , count that as power number 39
Everyone except my family and Garrett looks at me with shock
One of the members of the Denali Coven stepped forward and looked at me
Eleazar:You are very powerful Liana,you could take out the whole vampire race if you wanted to, how is your body able to control that much power?
I shrug
Liana:We can't ever seem to figure that out , my body craves for it so i'm guessing that's how it works
He looks at me for a second before he nods
Carlisle:Now i know that this might make you have fear on what the outcome might be , but i assure you it won't come to a fight, you don't have to agree but my family would appreciate if you did
I step up and stand beside him
Liana:Tomorrow at this same hour we will come again and you will decide if you stay and fight or flee and be a coward.
Garrett nods at me and i nod back
I stand with more confidence and look at everyone in the eye
Liana:This isn't just about my niece but to fight for your freedom , either fight and set your self free or forever be in fear of The Volturi

I look down at Renesmee,close my eyes and send her a message through her mind
Liana:As long as i am alive , i will protect you and never let harm come to you mentally and physically my dear ....

I step outside to the roof and lay myself down and look at the stars and flowing aurora

Determined i think to myself Whatever it takes i will do anything for her so bring on the war

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Determined i think to myself
Whatever it takes i will do anything for her so bring on the war

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