She will be loved

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Liana P

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Liana P.o.v
I look up at Carter and can't help but think about the events that will occur when he meets his mate...
I sigh
Liana:Are you nervous for tomorrow..
Carter looks ahead of him and doesn't speak
I raise an eyebrow at him
He sighs and turns to look at me
Carter:Love, i'm beyond nervous it's my mate we are talking about..what if your mate is right and she rejects the bond

I close my eyes slightly before opening them
Liana:Carter,from what i heard she is broken..she will need you there to fix her,to bring a happiness to her that she hasn't felt in a while
I grab his hand lightly
Liana:You guys belong together, somehow ,someway you guys were matched together, to balance eachother...cherish her and she will learn to feel loved and learn how to see the world brightly once more

Carter chuckles lightly
Carter:You always know what to say Ana,Thank you
I laugh and shake my head lightly
Liana:Well what kind of friend would i be if i didn't
Carter:One with absolutely bad advice
I gasp and playfully hit his shoulder
We both laugh, we spent that night just laughing and reviving memories
I walk into the living room and see The Denali coven and Garrett talking
I walk over to them and greet them
Garrett smirks
Garrett:Well well well, there she is, been busy with a certain wolf?
I roll my eyes playfully
Liana:Seems like i'm not the only one who's been busy with someone huh?
I turn my eyes to Kate who looks a little embarrassed
Garrett just smirks even more and wraps and arm around Kate
Garrett:You have no idea
Kate glares at him & shocks him in the neck
I stare at them and smile
I send a message to Garrett before walking out
"Finally you've found her Garry..cherish her truly, she seems to be one of a kind"
As I walk out the living room i sense that Seth is near so i walk outside where i see him in his wolf form
I walk over and caress his fur , while i gently kiss his snout
He purrs lightly making me laugh
I turn over and notice another wolf next to him looking protectively at Seth

I raise and eyebrow walk over
Liana:You must be Leah correct?
The wolf lightly shakes its head
I smile brightly at her
Liana:Ah! i see, well nice to meet ya Leah i'm Liana Whitlock
I hear a branch crack and i turn to see Seth in his human form
I run to him and wrap my arms around him and kiss him
Seth snuggles his head on my shoulder
Seth:I missed you
I laugh lightly
Liana:It's been a day
Seth steps back lightly with a fake scowl on his face
Seth:Too long

We both end up laughing , someone clears their throat,i turn to see Leah in her human form
I stare at her slightly in awe
Leah steps forward and sticks her hand out for me to shake
Leah:Nice to meet you, I'm Leah Clearwater,Seth's older sister
I stare at her for a few seconds and just blurt out
Liana:You're very beautiful , expecially in your wolf form
Leah blushes and turns her head avoiding eye contact with me
I step forward and hug her excited
Liana:Well hello again dear Leah
I back away and smile brightly at her and she gives me a small smile
which then turns into a frown& glare
Leah:Don't hurt my brother or else
Seth growls at her and i just raise my hand to stop him from doing so

I just laugh lightly and turn to look at Seth lovingly
Liana:I wouldn't dare to hurt him both physically and mentally
Seth steps forward and wraps an arm around my waist
Seth:Neither would i Liana

Leah nods and smiles
Leah:Good,I'm glad he found you even though you are a bloodsucker
I laugh and just shake my head
I then turn slightly serious and give her a look
Liana:You should also swear you won't hurt my brother Leah

Leah just looks at me confused I whistle lightly and wait for Carter to finally appear Seth whispers in my ear and gives me a concerned lookSeth:Isn't it too soon for them to meet?I look up at him Liana:At this rate it shouldn't be Seth just nods ...

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Leah just looks at me confused
I whistle lightly and wait for Carter to finally appear
Seth whispers in my ear and gives me a concerned look
Seth:Isn't it too soon for them to meet?
I look up at him
Liana:At this rate it shouldn't be
Seth just nods but still looks worried for the events about to unfold

Carter finally walks down with a smirk on his face
Which makes me roll my eyes *Idiot*
He smiles at Seth and I in greeting
Seth:Carter id like you to meet my older sister Leah
Carter turns to look at her in awe and soon both are lost in eachothers eyes
Carter steps closer to her and grabs her hand and kisses it
Carter:Carter Nick Forbes at your service love
Leah blushes and smiles at him

I turn to Seth and motion my head to the house
He grabs my hand and pulls me inside
I turn over too see Carter and Leah talking lovingly which makes me smile
We walk inside and into my room where we just lay down in eachothers arms
I sigh lightly as he plays with my hair
Seth:What is it love?
I turn my head so my chin is now on his chest
Liana:I just can't believe how far we've gone...I'm talking about Carter,Garrett and I, we never really thought we would ever find our mate but here you guys are...i just worry that i won't be able to spend forever with you.
Seth looks at me
Seth:You once told me of how long you've waited just for me to appear in your life,i promise you that we will win this and then we can see the world together..You waited for love and now you shall be loved like no other
Seth leans in and kisses me and i softly tug at his hair while his hands grip my waist

It's scary to think how forever doesn't seem like a lot to some but to others it's enough to feel full bliss of love and happiness but how Seth said "You shall be loved"..meaning She will be loved one way or another

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