Tell me what i wanna hear

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"It seemed that suddenly all the struggles i went through for love was worth it cause it led me to you "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~P

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"It seemed that suddenly all the struggles i went through for love was worth it cause it led me to you "
P.o.v Liana
I gazed up at Seth's eyes
Liana:Would you like to start or should i ?
He smiled down at me
Seth:Let me start,
Our wolf culture goes back hundreds of years and it's a beautiful thing to know what our ancestors have done and discovered

He leaned in close to my face and looked me deep in the eyes
Seth:One of the best discovers is imprinting,It's not gravity holding you down to earth anymore,she become whatever she needs to be,whether that's a protector,or a lover,or a friend,I heard it's the best feeling in the world and trust is
Liana Whitlock are my imprint and i'll become anything you need me to be

I looked at him with love in my eyes
Liana:You have no idea how much i've waited for you...the things i went through just to find you...I kinda have this ability to see connections between people,i sometimes helped people find their loved ones...bad thing was that it didn't work on me which meant i couldn't be able to recognize my mate..
I need you to be my love
Seth gave me a loving look
Seth:I'll give you the world if you asked for it my liliana
He put a hand on my waist and trailed his fingers under my chin to tilt it up and leaned in

my loveSeth gave me a loving lookSeth:I'll give you the world if you asked for it my lilianaHe put a hand on my waist and trailed his fingers under my chin to tilt it up and leaned in

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I closed my eyes and leaned in to close the gap we desperately wanted closed
The moment our lips touched it felt like i was whole again,i felt human and for that moment i cherished it

I backed up a little and looked at him with adoration
i sigh happily
Liana:This is what love feels like
He gives me a warm smile
Seth:Oh darling ,that's just the beginning
I close my eyes and lean on him and we stay like that for awhile before we decide that we need to return back to the Cullens house to discuss the arrival of The Volturi
We walk back together holding hands

10 minutes

We walk towards the back of the house and go straight to the living room where we see Jacob carrying a sleeping Renesmee in his arms
I raise my eyebrow at him
Jacob:Uh she was waiting for you but you took to long and she just went to sleep,also Seth your sister is coming by in a day or two she misses you
He smiles softly
Seth:Thanks i'll give her a call later
I step forward and smile down at Renesmee and give her a kiss on her forehead

Beauty Behind The Madness || Seth ClearwaterWhere stories live. Discover now