Eyes wide open

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"the meaning of life
is to find your gift.
The purpose of life
is to give it away"

The purpose of life is to give it away"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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P.o.v Liana
I sat down in a chair in my twin's old bedroom
I looked around and sighed because of how much i miss him....6 decades since i've seen him.
I got up and walked to the door and opened it, i turn around and gave the room one more look before i shut the door and walked down the stairs

I hear footsteps running my way and i turn around in time to see Renesmee with a smile on her face running towards me
I smile back and get on one knee to be eye level with her

Liana:Hello il mio bel sole
Renesmee:Huh? what does that mean?
I gave a small chuckle
Liana:It means "My beautiful sunshine", now what is it that you need little one
She looked at me nervously
Renesmee:Ohh well i was wondering if you would like to go catch snowflakes with me and Jacob since my mommy can't go since she is discussing with the others.
I give her a big smile
Liana:Id love to, maybe i can show you my powers with the snow darling , how does that sound?
She nodded eagerly causing me to let out a laugh
Liana:Lead the way little one

Renesmee leads me outside where i see Jacob waiting for her in wolf form
She runs up and hugs him
and he purs at her touch

~I don't think she understands what she is to him~
I stand next to Jacob
I reach my hand and lay it on top of his head while petting him and send him a message
Liana:Lead the way, i'll be right behind you

He nods and waits till Renesmee hops on his back and sprints out running.
I follow behind him running for
about 5 minutes before we reach a field with lots of snow

 I help Renesmee off Jacob and go run with her to catch snowflakes Without me noticing Renesmee throws a snowball at my head Jacob burst out howling with laughterwhile Renesmee giggles I playfully glare at him and get a snowball and use my full st...

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I help Renesmee off Jacob and go run with her to catch snowflakes
Without me noticing Renesmee throws a snowball at my head
Jacob burst out howling with laughter
while Renesmee giggles
I playfully glare at him and get a snowball and use my full strength and throw it at him making him fall on his back
I burst out laughing holding my stomach

He howls and then
I see that he goes behind the woods and soon comes back in human form
I run to Renesmee and we both agree to attack Jacob and soon there is snowballs going at his direction less than a second
After 5 minutes
i put my hand up to indicate to Renesmee to stop
Jacob:That was so unfair so that's why i brought some backup , COME OUT SETH!

I feel like my heart is beating faster than a heartbeat per second at the mention of this guy's name and i don't know why

I see a guy run from out the trees and beside Jacob with the biggest smile on his face
He does a bro handshake with Jacob before he runs to Renesmee and picks her up and twirls her and she giggles making me smile
Seth:How ya doing little monster
Renesmee giggles
Renesmee:Better since now Jacob has someone to share defeat with expecially since my aunt will help us win
Jacob puts a fake hurt look and Seth sets her down and looks at me

I see a guy with the Black hair,Soft lips,and chocolate eyes...oh god his eyes

I stare into his eyes and he seems to be in some kind of trance , i can feel love,admiration,and need flowing from him which makes me smile

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I stare into his eyes and he seems to be in some kind of trance , i can feel love,admiration,and need flowing from him which makes me smile.
~It's him....my mate~
If it can his smile grows bigger
Jacob seems to realize what's going on and smiles big at us
I raise an eyebrow at Seth while still smiling
Liana:Well im Liana Whitlock Cullen , nice to meet ya darling
Letting my southern accent slip a little
I step forward and put my hand out for him to shake
He takes his hand out and shakes my hand instantly giving me sparks
He winks at me making me bite my lip slightly
Seth:Seth Clearwater
I stare into his eyes not noticing that Renesmee was calling me

Renesmee:AUNTY LEE!!!
I jump and let go of Seth's hand and turn to look at her
Liana:Yes little one ?
Renesmee:You said you would show me your powers!
I give her a smile and sigh slightly
Liana:Of course,be a dear and bring me the most biggest snowflake you can find
She nods and runs up into the air and catches one and comes back to me
I put my hand out for her to give it to me
Once she does i do my magic and i get the snowflake to grow big and break it apart and it flows into the sky

Renesmee:AUNTY LEE!!!I jump and let go of Seth's hand and turn to look at herLiana:Yes little one ? Renesmee:You said you would show me your powers! I give her a smile and sigh slightly Liana:Of course,be a dear and bring me the most biggest snowf...

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I have it whirl around us and everyone looks amazed and Seth looks up at me and gives me a loving look which i return.

I hear rushing footsteps in the trees on my left side and I put my hand down and start looking around
I see Renesmee jump into Jacobs arms in fear who is holding her tight and growling at the noise
Seth comes behind me and puts a protective arm around my waist growling at the intruder
I slightly step forward glaring out at the trees
I growl
Liana:Step out you asshole, how dare you bring fear to my protected

I hear a chuckle coming from the trees and soon see someone slowly coming out
Making me step forward and form a shield around Renesmee,Jacob,and Seth
??:Never my attention love,but well aren't you glad to see your favorite partner in crime huh honey ?
I look closely and gasp at who i see.

who do you think it is ? find out in the next chapter.

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