A feeling of home/ A feeling of war

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Liana P.o.v
I turn to see Seth asleep so i carefully untangle myself from him and kiss his forehead
I walk into the living room to see Rosalie and Emmett laughing and talking with The Denali coven and others,Esme and Carlisle playing a game of chess,Edward sitting with Bella with an arm around her as she braids Renesmees hair with Jacob sitting beside her watching tv and lastly see Carter playing around with Leah as she laugh carefree
I can't help but smile at this ...i felt the feeling of home and i didnt want it to fade

I feel an arm snake around my waist and i lean backwards already knowing who it is
I look up at smile brightly at my wolf
Seth smiled down at me with his messy bed hair that i love running my fingers through
his slightly hooded chocolate brown eyes that i love to gaze at
I look at my family and see how happy they are
I step forward while stringing Seth right along

Liana:What's on the agenda today?
Carlisle looks up at smiles at me
Carlisle:We are gonna have a nice bonfire tonight at midnight
I sigh and nod

*Play song*
I grab Seth by the hand and take him back upstairs
We sit down in the bed and look at eachother lovingly
Liana:Seth i want to talk about the possible outcome of this-
Seth kisses me while tightly grabbing onto me

*Play song*I grab Seth by the hand and take him back upstairsWe sit down in the bed and look at eachother lovinglyLiana:Seth i want to talk about the possible outcome of this-Seth kisses me while tightly grabbing onto me

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Seth leans back while staring intently at me
He whispers lightly
Seth:Don't...Just live in the moment my love
He once more kisses me while sitting me on his lap and leaning back falling onto the bed
I sit up lightly and kiss him on the forehead
Liana: I love you my little wolf
Seth smiles and flips us over so he's now on top
Seth:And i love you my little warrior

He leans down and kisses me lightly all over
I push his shirt off taking it off and admire him by running my hands down his body
I whisper

He smiles and leans down and once again starts to kiss me while pushing my shirt up taking my top off
He looks at me in question
I smile and nod
I grab him by the neck and pull him forward connecting our lips once more

At that moment i understood it just wasn't sex.. it's was making love to one another
Few hours later
I walk out the bathroom and see Seth sitting on the bed waiting for me
I smile at him and grab his hand
I kiss him and smile
We walk downstairs and see our family waiting for us
Emmett looks at us and smirks
Emmett:Done already?
I laugh and playfully slap his arm while Rosalie slaps his stomach giving him a warning look which he just ignores and gives her a kiss on the cheek making her smile

I look over to see Bella and Edward enter with Renesmee who runs to me when she sees me
I laugh as i spin her around
Liana:How are you little one ?
She puts her hand on my cheek
*Renesmee:Great now that your here*
I put her down and walk over to Bella and Edward
Liana:Where is everyone?
Bella smiles tiredly
Bella:They are at the campsite where we will reside till tomorrow
I put my hand on her shoulder for comfort
Liana: Everything will be okay i promise..
I look at Edward and nod at him with a smile

I turn back and look at the rest of my family
Liana:Let's get going shall we
They nod and we all start to head to the campsite

I sit down next to a log where Benjamin (who controls the elements) and his mate are sitting onJacob and Seth come over with some wood for the fire and set it down Benjamin stands up and lights up his finger to make a fire in which Jacob and Seth ...

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I sit down next to a log where Benjamin (who controls the elements) and his mate are sitting on
Jacob and Seth come over with some wood for the fire and set it down
Benjamin stands up and lights up his finger
to make a fire in which Jacob and Seth look at him questionably
I laugh lightly and stand next to Benjamin and nod at him before we both light up 4 fingers with fire and throw it at the wood making a fire

Jacob laughs
Jacob: That's what i'm talking about
I sit down along with Seth who wraps an arm around me
Jacob sits beside Benjamin and begins a conversation
Jacob: Little pre battle bonfire , telling war stories
Seth shrugs and looks at everyone
Seth:Or just standing there like freaking statues

We all laugh
Garrett speeds towards us and sits down on a log beside ours
Garrett:Name any american battle, i was there
Jacob narrows his eyes and tilts his head up
Jacob:Little big horn
I smirk at Garrett and turn to look at Jacob
Liana:We were so close to biting Custer but the indians got him first

Seth looks at me surprised
Seth:You were in wars?
I laugh tilting my head back slightly
Liana:Your talking to the Goddess of war along side my brother the God of war
Seth looks at me in admiration

I kiss his cheek before turning back to see Kate on Garrett's lap
I whistle and wink at her causing her to laugh
Kate: Try Oleg's assault on Constantinople, He didn't win that one on his own

We turn to see the Irish coven sit on a log across from us
Liam leader of the coven speaks up
Liam:If your talking battles, you're talking the Eleven years war, No one does rebellion like the Irish
I tilt my head
Liana:You lost the Eleven Years war
Liam smiles at us
Liam:It was one hell of a rebellion
Garrett smirks and points at him

Soon everyone starts to gather around us
The Romanians start to explain on their lifestyle
Vladimir:When we ruled, everything came to us, prey, diplomats, favor seekers...Such was our power
But we never put on white hats and called our selves saints
Stefan: We were honest about what we were
Vladimir:We sat still for a very long time, we didn't notice we were beginning to petrify
Stefan:Perhaps the Volturi did us a favor when they burned our castles
Vladimir: We have been waiting for 1,500 years to return that favor

After hearing such truth I stand up and walk over to Renesmees tent and see her fast asleep
I lean down and give her a kiss on the forehead
Liana:I will always protect you little one
I hear a swoosh behind me but i know who it is
I stand up without turning around
Liana:What is it Carter
I turn around to see him smiling down at me
Carter:Nothing.. i just never thought i'd see the day you would find your protected and most of all your mate

I smile
Liana:Me neither but your one to talk.. you found yours and she makes you absolutely happy
Carter:That she does
We look at eachother and laugh
I pull him aside lightly
Liana:Carter if i do not make it-
Carter hugs me tightly
Carter:Non sense , do not speak of such things Ana
Liana: Save him...
Carter steps back and looks at me before nodding

I watch him walk to Leah and hold her to him causing her to smile
I look up to the sky
Liana:May god be with us tomorrow....
This is about to be a war in history

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