Good news turn bad

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Everything i've been through in my life has always bad

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Everything i've been through in my life has always that i'm back with my family everything seems to be going into place but this vision, is what will ruin everyone's hope in the upcoming war
I drive at high speeds and look down at my phone at the location Bella sent me
I sigh and lean my elbow by the window
I really do hope i can be proven wrong

I arrive at the restaurant where i'm supposed to meet Mr.jenks
I walk in and towards the Host
Liana:Im meeting Mr.jenks
Host:Right this way

I see Jenks and nod at the Host in appreciation before i sit down
Jenks:Ah Miss.Liana , suprised to see you here , i was meant to see Mrs.Cullen
I smile at him
Liana:Of course,she has to attend too and she sent me here to discuss
Jenks nods
Liana:How long have you known Alice and Jasper
Jenks:I've been working with them for 20 years and my late partner knew Jasper 15 years before
I nod

Jenks:He is usually well-preserved
I smirk
Liana:Yes,he is
Jenks:I trust that Mr.Jasper is enjoying his vacation
I lean forward
Liana:He didn't tell you where he was going did he?
He shakes his head
Jenks:He only told me he was leaving when he came by to place his order

I furrow my eyebrows
Liana:I am assuming his order is ready?
Jenks:Of course...I'm never late on a delivery
He bends down to his suitcase and takes a file out before sliding it towards me
He looks around to make sure no one is watching

I grab it and open it slowly
I see two passports...just like the vision they are Renesmees and Jacobs
I furrow my eyebrows with a sad look on my face
Jenks:There a problem?
With a worried look i shake my head
Liana:No,I thought my sister-in-law,brother and niece would be traveling together
Jenks:Jasper said only two were traveling,his instructions were very clear
Liana:It's my mistake...Apparently that's not gonna happen
I sigh and get up
Liana:Thank you for your time

I speed out of there not caring if people would see me or not
As i drive down the highway i can't help but think of how our future has been set and we can't change it...not unless- nevermind

My vision was clear...
My protected would have a future indeed
But neither of my brother and bella would be apart of it and that's what broke my heart indeed....She was too young and she needs her parents more than ever to take care of her and shower her with a love that can't be compared to no other
I walk into the house and into the living room to see Edward lift Renesmee in the air and give her a loving look with Bella admiring them on the side
I smile sadly
Bella turns to look at me with a huge smile on her face
I send a message to her head
*We have to's about the meeting i had with Mr.Jenks*
She nods and gives edward a kiss on the lips and a kiss to renesmee on her forehead

We walk into the balcony
Bella:Tell me everything that happened
I lick my lips before biting them
Liana:I'll just show you..
I raise my left hand and point my index and middle finger with sparks on her forehead
She closes her eyes and raises her shoulders at the sensation
I sigh before i shove my memories into her head

5 minutes later

I raise my fingers off her forehead slowly
She opens her eyes and looks at me with a sad/worried look
I cut her off by hugging her since i can feel pure sadness rolling off of her
Liana:Im so sorry Bella...I don't believe this is the way to end things
I actually have a plan
Bella leans back
Bella:What is it?

Liana:My family does not know of this but deep within me is a power so great that i can use against The Volturi but...with power there is alway a life is the price and i'll gladly give it for your daughter
Bella immediately shakes her head
Bella:I can't ask you to do that,take that idea out of your head,we will find another way okay?Your my family and i don't plan to lose any of you
I give her a confused look
Liana:But bella this will save you and my brother and you'll be happy, as a protector its my job to protect renesmee
Bella:I get that but this isn't what Renesmee would want,thank you for the effort but we will find another way,your 39 powers alone is enough to protect everyone
I smile softly at her
Liana:Dont forget your shield
Bella laughs lightly
Bella:Yes and my shield
I laugh with her before giving her one last hug
I pull away and nod at her
Bella:If anything happens to me and Edward promise me you'll take care of her..
Liana:You have my word Bella

After that talk with Bella i walk around the woods to feel the nature around me as it is part of my power
As i walk i feel myself stop and get pulled into a vision~~~2minutes later
After i compose myself I look around with a shocked look
I whisper lightly



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