Hope is found

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Previously~As i walk i feel myself stop and get pulled into a vision~2 minutes laterAfter i compose myself i look around shocked and i whisperLiana:

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As i walk i feel myself stop and get pulled into a vision~2 minutes later
After i compose myself i look around shocked
and i whisper

I ran around the perimeter 3 times to see if anyone was around due to the vision i was pulled into
I stopped and looked around one time before i ran back to the house as fast as i could
As i ran inside i almost ran into Carter

He asks worried
Carter:Woah there love, are you alright ?
I nod my head slowly
Liana:Um yeah, i-I just need a shower...yeah a shower, i'll see you later
I push past him and into my room and enter the bathroom and immediately strip from my clothes and get into the shower

I sigh as the hot water splashes all over my body at once...I think about my family and if i should tell someone about this or not...it could affect future events and i don't want that but i think that was the whole point of the vision Alice sent me

I lean my head against the wall and just for once relax and forget all the drama that's going on

After 30 minutes i get out and get freshly new clothes

Of course wearing a short sleeve at a weather like this wouldn't bother me due to the fact my skin is icy cold

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Of course wearing a short sleeve at a weather like this wouldn't bother me due to the fact my skin is icy cold

I do my daily makeup , hair and get my strapped heels on and walk out my room and go to look for my brother

I walk into the living room and see him playing the piano
I smile and lean against the wall with my arms crossed while i hear him play a lullaby

After he is done i clap causing him to turn towards me and give me a nod
I raise my hand and with a flick i put a silent barrier around us
i step forward and sit down with him and lean my head on his shoulder

Liana:Alice has reached out to me in a vision
Edward leans back a little causing me to sit up straight
Edward:What did she say?
Liana:She's found someone like Renesmee...brother she never abounded us..she left to look for hope and she has found it,the future is set,you and Bella will be apart of her life

Edward smiles brightly and if he could would cry
He stands up and hugs me tightly
Edward:What would i do without you both..Thank you Liana.
I step away from him and get serious
Liana:But..we cannot tell anyone, it will affect future events we must go on about our days and pretend we do not know of this
Edward:Then why did you tell me?
Liana:Alice's instructions were very clear

Edward nods
Edward:I should go now , i'll see you later
He kisses my forehead lightly
I snap my fingers and let the barrier fall
I step into the balcony in the second floor and see Carter is there looking up at the stars..I stand next to him
Liana:Im assuming you heard...
Carter:yes love,your powers never worked on me..but i'm glad
I turn to look at him for a second
Liana:Yeah..so are you happy about tomorrow,your mate is stopping by and you'll get to meet her.
Carter:Indeed i am..I promise you dear Ana that i will mend her heart
I smile at him

Liana:I know but you should tell her that...i realized me and her have so much in common when it comes to love...
Carter grabs my hand
Carter:Worry not love,he never deserved your love infact he never deserved you in his life..
I sigh
Liana:Yeah..but now i've got my true mate and i couldn't have been happier..
Thank you for being my friend Carter...
Carter smiles
Carter:Thank you for accepting my friendship Liana

Liana:When this madness is over i plan to finally actually see the world with my love if not more.
I smile before going back to seeing the stars
I whisper
Liana:We're always together,were one of a kind
Carter:Three words describes us, Partners in crime

I close my eyes with a final thought crossing my mind

~The hope everyone thought was lost is now found~

~The hope everyone thought was lost is now found~

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