The Beginning

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P.o.v Bella -
It seemed more than odd to me that Alice and Jasper would leave us the moment we needed them the most....what did they know

Right before i stepped inside The Cullens house Sam pulled me,Rosalie and Emmett aside to give us another note that Alice gave him for us

Sam: Sorry but it seems this note was left for only you guys to know , she left me specific instructions , i'll be taking my leave now

He soon left just making me more curious to what the note said ,
I took the note and read it out loud for Rosalie and Emmett to hear

Bella : Find our "Honey" , bring her home

I gave them a confused face and it seemed like they knew what Alice meant

Bella: Who is this "Honey" ?

Rosalie: She is our sister

With that Rosalie and Emmett left quickly in their car and drove away

This made me more even confused but i knew id find out when Rosalie and Emmett came back from their destination.

I walked back to The Cullens home still thinking on who this "Honey" could be

P.o.v Liana
I was brought out of my vision (of Rosalie and Emmett who were close to where i was now residing) by my good friend Garrett who was busy trying to lower the screams of a poor guy who he was sucking dry

Garrett: How about helping a friend here Ana ~he says frustrated~
I lean against the wall and give him a look
Liana:Mm i don't know , i rather enjoy hearing the screams of this guy
         ~I tease him~

Garrett:I guess i could just kill him , would you be willing to clean the mess up darling ?

~I roll my eyes~
Liana:Forgot how annoying you can be , i'll be willing to just throw him off a bridge

Garret:Hmm not bad , i'll take it

I close my eyes not wanting to see how Garret was ravishing the poor man

Liana:Now that your done with your toy , i can tell you that it seems my dear brother Edward has runned into some trouble with The Volturi and dear Alice has sent Rosalie and Emmett our way to come collect us , you in ?

Garret:Hmm you know it , guess we will just have to wait for our dearest guests to arrive
~he winks at me~

4 hours later

Rosalie and Emmett arrive to where they knew their "Honey" would be at
They soon saw Liana dragging a dead guy and about to throw him off a bridge with Garrett right behind her making jokes about the dead man

Emmett:Even covering up his tracks , really Honey?

Rosalie:Wouldn't think you would be the one covering the tracks Lee
~she give me a fake innocent look~

I drop the body and wrap my arms around them
Liana:I missed you guys so much , you should've at least called i was rather busy with Garrett until you decided to come pulling me into a vision
I backed away giving them some space

Emmett:Where would be the fun in that ?

i roll my eyes giving them a smile

Garrett:Can't disagree with that
~he chuckles a little~

I smack him in the head almost making him fall
Liana:Go dispose the body idiot

Garret:Yes mam
~He salutes to me~

Rosalie:Now with all seriousness, Lee and Garry, Carlisle needs you it's hard to explain but we need you to be understanding about the situation

Rosalie:Now with all seriousness, Lee and Garry, Carlisle needs you it's hard to explain but we need you to be understanding about the situation

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I look at Garrett who nods at me
I turn back to Rosalie and Emmett

I sigh
Liana:Alright, we're in

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