Forever isnt a long time

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P.o.v Liana
Well that could have gone worse right...
I looked up at Seth
"Isn't she supposed to stop a day or two?"
I said hesitant
He sighs and looks down at me and nods
I turn to Carter who seems like a rocket ready to be launched

I sigh
"Carter are you sure?The connection is there?"
He nods
"I haven't been so sure in my life"
"Well it can't be helped"
i tug Seth's hand
"Maybe she can finally have her happy ending"
Seth has a concerned face
"What is it love?"
I caress his face lightly
"It's sister has been heartbroken and she won't let anyone in anymore because of fear,im worried she might reject the bond"
Carter gasps in pain at just the sound of it
"I can talk to her...we might relate in some kind of way"
I smile at him , he nods with relief

I turn to Carter and give him a comforting smile
"We should head back now,and plan for her arrival"
His mood is suddenly brighten
As we arrive i pull Seth to the side and nod at Carter so he can step inside
With a glum expression on my face i ask Seth the question that's been bothering me about his sister

Liana:How bad is it....
Seth closes his eyes and sighs
Seth:Very bad....our alpha broke her heart by imprinting on our cousin Emily and leaving her in an instant..she was more broken at the fact she didn't get an explanation about it at first..
With a comforting smile on my face i turn to look at him
Liana:Carter will mend her heart..i know it
Seth opens his eyes and looks down at me with a smile
Seth:I know he will , he has my blessing
I grab his hand and lead him inside
We walk in to see Bella pacing back in forth while biting the nail of her thumb
Seth:Everything alright Bella ?
Bella looks up with a relief look
Bella:Liana thank god your here , i was gonna ask you a favor it's very important

I stepped forward slightly with a worried expression on my face
Liana:Of course , what is it ?
Bella:Alice and Jasper have set a meeting with Mr.jenks-
Liana:Say no more , i've worked with him before i know this means business 
Bella hugs me and nods
I hug back , i pull back and give her a smile
Liana:Go to your daughter, tell her i said hi
Bella nods and speeds away

I turn to Seth
Liana:I should get prepared, i'll be back before you know it
Seth nods
Seth:Would you like me to go with you?
I shake my head
Liana:No, i have to go alone,i've seen it
I point to my head to indicate i had a vision
He smiles and nods
Seth:Be careful ?I should get going now i'll see you tomorrow okay..
He kisses my forehead lightly
Liana:I will,alright goodbye my love
I smile & watch as he leaves before i hurry into my car hoping that my vison was wrong & not true
If what i saw was true...then my thoughts are clear ~ Forever isn't a long time ~

then my thoughts are clear ~ Forever isn't a long time ~

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