Chapter 37

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''Mom you should go to bed'' Harvey said I waved him off after coming in out of the back hanging the clothes up on the clothes line and I sat in front of Miley giving her, her lunch when I started coughing, badly.

''I'm fine'' I said to Harvey as I walked out of the kitchen to the hallway and I coughed my lungs up, I was ill because of that storm, so I had a stuffy nose sore throat bad headache sore belly. But I'm a mom with 4 children under the age of 16 and a husband going back and forward with being a producer to opening his store I have things to do I can't just go to bed.

''Fuck'' I said coughing into the sink as blood came out. ''That's not good'' Harvey said from behind me I washed the sink and my hands and I splashed water in my face.

''I'm fine honey, go sit with your sister I'll be right out'' I said picking my toothbrush he frowned and backed out slowly and I brushed my teeth then I vacuumed down stairs, I had to stop every so often because I'd cough and my head started getting worse from the coughing.

''I knew you weren't well'' I turned my head to Bradley standing at the door. ''What are you doing here'' he frowned.

''Ronnie you can barely talk''.

''I'm fine just an itchy throat''.

''And coughing up blood'' he said I sighed and looked over at Harvey.

''I had to ring him, you're not well simple as'' he said holding Miley I looked at Bradley. ''I am fine stop stressing just a sore throat I took some medication, now why did you come you are busy enough with work'' I said to him putting the mop bucket back in the utility closet.

''I'm done for the day, I was already on the way home when he rang'' he said not looking at me. ''Lie'' I said he sighed.

''Fine, my son rang telling me that his mother, my wife is sick coughing up blood so of course I'd drop everything and run, now we can either do this that hard way or easy way'' I rolled my eyes and winched.

''It's only a cold Bradley it'll side''.

''I don't care we are going to the doctors I already got an emergency down at the surgery now get shoes and a coat on he is minding her till we get back'' he said firmly I sighed and walked by them to the front door slipped my feet into a pair of vans and put on a hoody, I didn't care how I looked.

''See you can tell you are sick you would never wearing leggings two different colour vans and a hoody'' Harvey shook his head I tapped his cheek and looked at Miley who was looking at me.

''Be back in a little while women'' I kissed the back of her head and I walked out front followed by Bradley and got into the passenger seat of his car and he drove out of the house to the doctors surgery. ''So why are you here today'' the lady doctor asked.

''I have the flu, I told him there was need to come but he insisted I came'' I rolled my eyes. ''She was stuck in that storm last week in New York and she came home sniffling coughing with a head aches then today she coughed up blood and she already has a past of ovarian cancer 17 years ago'' Bradley said she nodded getting up and I sat on the bed and I opened my mouth making the ah sound and I gagged when she put something near my tonsils.

''Ok you have a very bad throat infection that had caused the chest infection which is causing the headaches so I will give you a prescription, take 2 tablets every four hours for the next 7 days'' I nodded.

''What about the blood'' Bradley asked as I stood to my feet. ''That's nothing to worry about she teared her throat because of it but them medication will have her back to herself in no time, plenty of rest Ronnie''' I nodded thanking her and walked out.

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