Chapter 1

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''Sweet baby Jesus'' Ronnie shook her hands out looking at herself in the mirror. Finally after a long 23 months of planning the wedding of her dreams, the day as finally come and Ronnie will finally go from a Bieber to a brown.

''I'm getting married oh my god'' she said to herself admiring her gorgeous dress that herself and her step mom designed and made. As she was looking at herself in the mirror a knock came from the honeymoon suite bedroom door here in the Bahamas.

''Come in'' she called out and the door opened and she looked through the mirror to see her dad dressed in his suit and his jaw drop as he looked at his eldest daughter looking so beautiful.

''Sweetie you looked so beautiful'' he said walking towards her and she let out a shaky breath.

''Thanks dad'' she said and turned around he smiled at her she returned it as he kissed her cheek.

''it's ok to be nervous you know'' he smiled at her.

''it is'' she asked and he nodded. ''Yeah I remember when me and your mom was getting married I thought all kind of things like she would leave me turned out she was thinking the same, it's natural to be nervous on your wedding day but they are good nerves'' she nodded and let out a deep breath and Justin looked at the dress.

''It's perfect, I can't believe how nice it is'' he said she chuckled and looked at it threw the mirror.

''I know, it wouldn't look this good without the help of mom she was like an angle, I give her full credit for this gorgeous thing'' she smiled and brushed the invisible dirt off it then there was knocks on the door again and Justin went over and opened it and a smile broke out his face as the Lisa Donna Emily Lydia Lexi Shannon and Sasha and Riley all dressed in their bridesmaid dresses.

''Oh my god Ronnie'' Lexi gasped Ronnie smiled and bent down and kissed her little sister's cheek.

''How you doing baby'' she asked rubbing her chin Lexi smiled.

''I'm great, but you, you look amazing Ronnie this dress is amazing'' her eyes budge out of their socket.

''Thanks darling'' she said and looked at the other girls.

''The dresses look amazing with everything, you girls look beautiful'' she said they stood there in shock looking at her making Ronnie and Justin laugh then the double doors opened and Ronnie took a deep breath and held the end of her dress and walked into the living room to see Madison Laura Mandy Pattie Anna Sandra and Geraldine, the bridesmaids mom all gasp.

''Well'' Ronnie asked and Mandy eyes welled up and she waved her hand in her face making everyone laugh.

''Sweetheart you look amazing'' Madison said hugging her and checking out the dress.

''Thank you'' Ronnie smiled letting out a deep breath.

''I would love to stay but I told Bradley I would drop by and see him before the ceremony'' Madison said and Ronnie let out a nervous Breath and nodded making everyone smile at her nerves.

''Oh god I don't think I can do this my legs are like jelly '' she said sitting down letting out a deep breath shaking her head.

''Sweetheart it's natural each and every one of us had the same feeling when we got married, once you get out of this room and see Bradley at the top of the alter waiting to marry you, all the nerves will fade'' Anna, Lisa's mom said she nodded.

''What if I fall'' she panicked they all smiled.

''I won't let you fall'' Justin said she smiled and let out a deep breath then there was a knock on the door and Justin went over and opened it and he smiled and looked back at Ronnie then returned looking at the person on the opposite side of the door.

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