c h a p t e r 10 | please forgive me

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I felt the beads of sweat rolling down my forehead as I punched and kicked the bag in front of me. I wiped away the excess sweat from my forehead breathing heavily as I recovered from my intensive training.

*knock* *knock*

My eyes look up to see my dad standing between the doorway of the garage. "Yeah?" I said.

"You have a visitor."

"What?" I asked until he left into the other room.

I roll my eyes guessing it to be Haze and his dweebs. I grabbed a towel and wiped my face and neck before I went out to the front door.

"Vince?" I said.

My worst nightmare was yet to come.

"Elaina." He smirks down at me. I quickly pushed him back closing the door behind me. "Mmm still that sexy strong girl I've missed all these years."

"What are you doing here?" I asked looking around the neighborhood so that there were no witnesses.

"The question is what are you doing here?" He says. "In Riverson?"

"You know what happened." I sneered looking back into his dark brown eyes. "You need to get out of here before someone sees."

"Scared your little secret will be revealed to them?" He chuckles lightly. "Or to your precious boy toy Haze."

"Vince really your going to ruin everything." I said hoping that once loving person he used to be was still in there and he'd listen. "How'd you find me?" I breathed out.

Vince's lips form into a grin as he looks down at the ground then up at me. "I'm taking your position as the next gang leader in line baby. I know everything about everyone."

"Why are you even here?"

"I want you back Lainey, we want you back please forgive me?" He says grabbing my hand which I quickly pull away from.

"Your disgusting I'm never going back to that place." I said.

"Okay just remember how we play sweetheart, blood for blood." He begins whistling as he puts on his black Ray Bans and walks off to his car.

I head back inside.

"What did Vince want?" My dad says.

"He just wanted to see how I was doing. It's okay dad are secrets safe with him." I assure him, but I wasn't so sure anymore.

"Good. I've always liked that boy." My dad begins nodding. My dad never new the truth about Vince or the really ugly side of him anyway.

Vincent Deterro, my ex-boyfriend whom I had been with for almost two years until he thought being leader was more important than are relationship. Although I regret ever having a relationship with the guy there was a time when he made me the happiest girl alive. Girls loved his attention and he loved the attention of girls, it would never work so I just left him one day. Ever since then he's begged for forgiveness and tries aimlessly to get me back.

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