Two Worlds Collide

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As predicted, Baekhyun and Chanyeol grew up together quite well. By the time Chanyeol was able to shift into a half-dragon half-human form, Baekhyun was already five and Chanyeol was four. The two went around causing mischief to everyone and anyone they could find, but since Chanyeol was rather clumsy, they would get in trouble just as much as they caused it. It was said that the two would end up falling in love with each other one day, but for now, the two were the best of friends anyone could possibly offer.

When the two were teenagers, Baekhyun was sent into training at the Universe Academy - a school dedicated to unifying both mythical and mortal beings and preparing them for possible world threats. It was like an army camp for teenagers, as Baekhyun had pouted on his first day, but it was more fun than being stuck in the small village they had occupied before. The Universe Academy had many different people in it, but it was an honor to be put in the high classes. To be noticed, one had to do well both academically and mentally. And it wasn't just the human that had to get in, their mythical partner had to excel as well. The high classes were considered untouchable from the general population at the academy, mainly because they were classed in teams and kept on call for certain quests to protect their world from any unfriendly powers. That was why Baekhyun and Chanyeol were equally excited when they received a letter that they would be transferred to a higher up class the following semester. This letter would gain them fame and acceptance in the real world for sure.

"I heard they're forming a power group." Chanyeol's huge dragon ears twitched excitedly and he knocked over a stack of books in the library with the way his huge tail was swaying as well. Baekhyun calmly stacked the books up again but he was in a giddy state as well. He couldn't believe they were going to be a part of a team who would help protect their world. The last team that was formed was a team called TVXQ and they were like, legends! Point was, teams weren't formed very often, and these higher classes were the only way to ensure that one could join a team. It was the final step on the stepladder for any mythical being and human alike.

"EXO. This must be a big decision for them to name their team after our planet." Chanyeol continued on, and Baekhyun hummed in agreement.

"I don't think that we'll have trouble making it big in the long run. Think about it Yeollie, we'll be famous in no time!" Baek chirped excitedly, and together the two jumped around making a bigger mess with Chanyeol's huge tail swinging wildly out of control. 

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