Weary Introductions

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Chanyeol regained the feeling of his entire body as the sun set low on the horizon. The huge dragon hadn't moved much; currently, his entire body was wrapped in a circle around Chanyeol's dragon form, caging him inside. Granted there was a lot of space to move, but Chanyeol was afraid. No, he was terrified.

He wanted to stretch out or test his flight, but he was sure that he would definitely be eaten if he so much as breaths too loudly. So instead he lay there in a small heap as he tried to rethink everything. Was Baekhyun missing him? Would the others know he was kidnapped like this?

"Minseok was right," he pouted bitterly, "I should have told Baek about my feelings. Now we're mad at each other."

"I can hear you thinking all the way from over here." The raspy dragon beast's voice broke Chanyeol's deep thoughts and he yelped and jumped about a foot in the air.

"How are you supposed to be a battle dragon if you can't handle even getting talked too? Is that what they teach you at the academy?" The voice laughed, and Chanyeol pricked up his dragon ears to locate the source. The voice was coming from behind him directly behind the tail. That meant that the dragon was fully curled around him.

"Who are you?" He asked meekly, and the voice chuckled.

"I suppose I should answer you this time. I'm called Arsonth."

Chanyeol was silent for a second before he chuckled lightly. He hoped Arsonth was okay with light humor. He would die if Arsonth wasn't.

"That was...I don't know...very anti-climatic." Chanyeol breathed out, and Arsonth lifted his huge head and his equally huge eye stared right at Chanyeol.

"I'm aware. But that's what my companion named me." Arsonth spoke seriously, and Chanyeol shut himself up.

"Your companion. Are they with you now?" Chanyeol was pressing for information now, but he knew he would get limited answers.

"She is somewhere. But I assure you, there is no connection between us." Arsonth informed him, and Chanyeol felt his heart skip a beat.

"What? How can that not be?" Chanyeol asked, but that seemed to be a sensitive topic for Arsonth because he quickly found himself pinned by a giant claw. Chanyeol felt the pain from his back meeting the ground and his wings creaked in protest. The huge dragon towered over his form and Chanyeol inwardly wailed at how big the monster's teeth were.

"That's enough prying little dragon." Arsonth sneered, and Chanyeol squirmed as the hold on him tightened.

"My name is Chanyeol!" he growled out, and Arsonth brought his face up directly in front of his. Chanyeol could feel the smoldering heat inches from his snout and he winced.

"Well then, Chanyeol, I warn you now. Don't ask pointless questions like this again." Arsonth released him and backed away, still keeping Chanyeol within his caged body. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2018 ⏰

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