Lai Guanlin part 1

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You know its already late in night but you still encouraged yourself to go out. You just want to refresh your mind after thought about the same thing a whole day.

You walk and walk until you reached at a small park but with many people.You make yourself sat on a bench under a small tree, at front you could saw a not too small and not too big pond.

Once you let out a breath,you couldn't help but think about the thing again. It just couldn't stop appear on your mind.

"y/n ssi, can i ask something ?" Guanlin, your friend said as he stop on his track and look at you."Sure,what is it though ?" you said with curiosity. Guanlin seems abit hesitated to talk but then he spoke up after find some courage. "What do you think about me ?"

You seems abit surprised by that sudden question but then you snorted making he looks at you in quizzically."What is wrong with you,Guanlin ssi? Why you suddenly ask me like that ?" you exclaimed.

You laughed finding it was funny but when you saw his facial expression, you immediately stop laughed and cleared your throat. He seems serious about his question just by seeing his facial expression.

"y/n ah,I'm not kidding with you. I really really need to know the answer cause it was important to me as i've love with you"he stop then turned his back.

"Ever since we knew each other,i've start develop my feels toward you. Even i knew you just saw me as friend and more than that, i still want to like and love"he added, he  then turned back to look at you.

You just quietly stand there,stunned by the sudden confessions.Guanlin take your hand and hold it tightly,"y/n ah..."he said softly, his eyes soften looking into your eyes.

"Guanlin...i-i'm sorry, i'm.."you quietly take back your hand and immediately leave him without giving the answer.

Another sighed leave out from your lips, "You a nice boy,Guanlin ssi. I just didn't want to be a wall between you and your happiness, you deserve more than just me" you thought then stare on your watch.

"Ah, i should go back home now or mom would scold me"you stand up from your sit and process to walk away. But to your surprised, you bump into someone. You look up to see who,"G-Guanlin ?" you gasped seeing that boy stand infront of you now.

"y/n ah, what are you doing here ?"he asked you.You try to avoid any eye contact with him as you just look down." I-I just walk pass by....and then, i bump into y-you" you stuttered, a little smile crept on his face.

He seems want to spoke something when you suddenly cut him by saying, "Uh, i-i need to go back now,excuse me"you walk pass by him when he suddenly hold you hand but still not turned his back.

"I love with you and hoping on you, if you could give me a chance to make you happy,please meet me tomorrow after school...please come to me" his last words before he released your hand and walk away.

a/n- part two would come soon, sorry if it abit sad 😅

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