Lee Daehwi

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Today you were feels like going to a Han River Park alone,you make yourself sit on one of the bench in that place. While you were busy observed how pretty the views, suddenly a dog approached you. The dog looks so cute, so you pick it up and make it lay on your thighs.

"How cute~ whats your name cutie ?" you said as you caressed it's fur. "Mollie ya!" you turned your head at the voice direction, in your eyes you could saw a guy run toward you. He looks tired as there's sweats all over his face and he were panted.

"He's must be your owner, right ?" you assumed as you stood and look at the guy. "Is this your dog ?" you asked, abit hesitated. He look at the dog then look at you again while smile. "Yes, he's my dog, thank you for taking care Mollie" you give the dog to him.

"No, it's okay" you said, smile warmly to him. "I'm Lee Daehwi by the way, thank you so much for taking care it, i don't how to repay your kindness haha" he said as laughed awkwardly. "No,no, its okay, you don't to repay it " you said, started feels awkward.

"If that so, then i'll get going now,excuse me" you began to walked away but stopped by him, "Wait a minute-" you abruptly look back at him in quizzically. "Yes ?" you said, "What's your name ?" he asked shyly, making you smile cheekily. "Y/N" you answered simply.

"Pretty, like the person" he whispered but you heard it. "Heh ?" He quickly shook his head, "Nothing, i-i mean it's pretty, yeah, your name...pretty" he stuttered, you just chuckled at his cuteness.

Ever since that day, you and Daehwi started get along as you guys always went out together. Both of you became close, some people even thought that you guys were in relationship that is not true,not yet.

Love ? You did not think that would happen between you two as you never thought to have a feels toward Daehwi. You just thought him as a friend, you guess. You did not even aware that you started to feel strange feels everytime you met him. You always feels so excited to met him and sad when he's not around.

"Cheonsa ya, i'm going out with Daehwi tonight, wanna join ?" you said to your housemate as you shook your eyebrow. Cheonsa just give you 'no fun' look, "It's okay, i don't want to bother you two, just have fun" she said, your eyes went wide.

"What do you mean by 'don't want to bother us' ?" you glared at her, she went near you. "Yah! Aren't you feel like Daehwi is keeping a special feels to you ? Why do i feel like he is ? Hurm" she asked, you just laughed at her word.

"Kang Cheonsa~ me and Daehwi are just friends, okay" you exclaimed, try to seems calm but your heart once again beated strangely. "Are you confident that he just take you as a friend ?" she said, making feels more anxious. You quickly stood up and walked to your room.

"No, that can't be!" you lay on your bed, look up to the ceiling while think about what your friend just said. "I can't like him, no, i can't!" you groaned as you close your eyes and fell into sleep.

"Daehwi ya, where you want to bring me ?"  you look at Daehwi who now sit beside you. You guys took a bus and Daehwi still refuse to tell your destination. "Somewhere, it's surprised though, i can't tell you now" he said as he look at you and smile cheekily.

"Daehwi " you called his name, he look at you in quizzically. You want to say something but your suddenly clueless. "Why ? Is there something wrong ?" he asked, getting worried. You shook your head, "Nothing, nevermind" you smile faintly then look out the bus.

Soon, you were reach at your destination as Daehwi suddenly stood followed you. Both of you got off from the bus, you look around, you were on the hills. You have no idea why he bring you to that place.

You watched Daehwi who now looking to sky, observed it. "Why you bring me here ?" you asked when you already stood beside him. He smiled widely, still look at the sky. "I have something to say to you" he turned to look at you, looking through into your eyes.

Here it go again, your heart started beated like crazy. You look into he's eyes, try to understand the look that he gave you but failed. It were unreadable, he took a step closer to you.

"I like you, Y/N" he exclaimed. You step backward and turned your back. "I'm sorry Daehwi,i'm-" you want to said more but cutted by him. He went to your front, "Please be my girlfriend, Y/N" he said as he hold both your hands. In your heart saying 'yes' but in your mind saying 'no', you don't know what to say.

"Follow your heart" Daehwi suddenly said, like he knows everything. You look up to see him, still hesitated to give him an answer. "I-I...yes,i'll be your girlfriend" you finally said. He looks so happy, he bring you into a hug and screamed, "Thank you, i love you Y/N!"

a/n- im done! Thank you so much for reading! I really work so hard so write it and please vote if you like it! Thank you again!

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