Yoon Jisung

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As always, you and your best friends would walked together to school.

"Yah! What was you guys doing in Friday night for this week ?" your friend, Hana asked. You look at her and thinking. In your mind there's only one name appeared, Jisung, your boyfriend. "Eum, i think i will have a date ?" you said, grinned at your friends. They just give you an annoyed look.

"Yep! Wait!" Hanbyul, your another friend, make both of you stopped on your track. "What ?" Hana said, "What about we going out together! Ask our boyfriend join too! It must be so fun!" She smile widely at you two.

You and Hana look at each other, then look at her back. "Err you mean, Double- or not double, Triple Date ?" Hana exclaimed. A smile crept on your face," Nice idea, we can introduce our boyfriend to each other too" you said. Both your friends nodded in agreement.

"Now let's go to school before we late" asked Hana, then three of you continued to walked.

Break time, all students went to the cafeteria to full their tummy. But, it was different for you and your friends. You were spend your break time by met your sweetheart.

"Dear, aren't you hungry ?" asked your boyfriend, Jisung. You smile as you put your hands around him. "I'm full just by watching your face"you exclaimed.

"Eehhh! What do you mean ? Do you think i'm a food ?? Why would you full just by seeing me ?" he said as look at you confused. You giggled seeing his reactions, "Yes! You are food, can i eat you now ?" you said,jokingly as you giggled.

"How dare you, here take this!" he pinched your cheeks while laughed along with you. "Auch! Stop it!" you said, still on your laughed. Jisung stop and bring you into his embrace. "Oppa, do you have time this Friday night ?" You look up to his face, "Why ? You want to go out ? Watch Movie ?" he asked back as he look down to you.

You shook your head lightly, "My friends plan to going out together and they ask me to bring you together, is that fine ?" you asked him again. "Eum, okay" he look at you with a huge smile plastered on his face. "Really ? Yes, thank you oppa " you said as you hug him tightly.

a/n- thanks for reading!!

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