One hundred twenty- Misha

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A/N yo I'm fighting apple I'm so triggered all the music that I downloaded is g o n e. Guys I spent hours (not all at once. Throughout a couple months) downloading music. I had probably 300 (???) songs and they're gone GUYS DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW UPSET I AM??? Anyways this is a request for Spn_Kyria


Imagine: Sophie found out she was pregnant while Misha was at a Supernatural panel

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Imagine: Sophie found out she was pregnant while Misha was at a Supernatural panel. She decided to go over and surprise him with a small video that got played and then she went on stage and gave him the pregnancy test.

Sophie: *hands manager of panel the disk with the video she made* "can you play this?"

Manager: "sure thing sweetheart."

*about twenty minutes later*

Sophie (video): "hey everyone! Sorry I couldn't be there. I just wanted to say hi to everyone and say thanks for coming. And I love you Misha. Sorry for interrupting your panel. You probably don't want to hear me talking anymore so I guess I should wrap this up. Another surprise will be coming in 3....2.....1!"

Sophie: *walks in making everyone cheer*

Misha: "Sophie! You made it!"

Sophie: "that's not all...."

Sophie: *hands test over*

Misha: "oh my god. Is this real?"

Sophie: "yes!"

Misha: "I'm going to be a father!"


A/N omg that SUCKED! Honestly the only reason why I haven't posted in so long was because I kept forgetting to look for a gif lmao

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