Black lives matter

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(I apologize for this not being well written. I just couldn't find the proper words to say. Please read through it all though. This is very different than what I usually post because I try to keep things lighthearted here but now isn't the time to stay lighthearted. This topic is far too important)

Hi everyone. First, I want to say thank you for 500k reads. I just noticed when I came on here to make this post and I'm so happy and I really appreciate it. I'm also sorry for not uploading any new imagines. I've been working on one, I'm just really motivated to work on my other works more than this one.

Now, the reason why I'm making this is because I realized that I have a platform that I can use to spread awareness. I haven't even thought about making something like this on here because I've been posting so much on my Instagram instead.

I just wanted to come on and say that black lives fucking matter, every day of the year. They always have, they always will. If you don't support this movement, allow me to attempt to educate you. I am a white ally though, so for better information I would do research following black peoples experiences and what they have to say.

The black lives matter movement is NOT a way to undermine other people's existence. It's simply stating that black people have been treated unfairly for years and they're tired of it. When people say black lives matter, they are not saying that any other lives matter less. Please don't get that twisted.

Another thing I'd like to mention is don't just follow the news and other media for updates on this situation. They love to twist the truth. These protests have overall been super peaceful until white supremacists or cops started shit.

I have watched countless videos of cops pretending to take a knee and stand with protesters only to fire tear gas and rubber bullets minutes later. I just watched a video earlier of police ordering a white woman what to spray paint on a building while laughing because they want to set protesters up to look destructive. The governor, mayor, and attorney general of Minneapolis found Facebook posts written by alt-right conservatives telling white folks to go and loot different stores. They're trying to make protesters look bad.

This isn't a joke. They've been arresting innocent people who are literally walking home or not even involved in protests. They've fired rubber bullets at people sitting on their own front porch. They fucking pepper sprayed a nine year old little girl in the face when her and her family were literally walking home.

Don't let the media turn the protesters into the villains. Do your research.

They've arrested over 41,000 people and yet three of the officers involved in George Floyd's murder still walk free.

This is a revolution and I want all my black readers and allies to know that I stand with you and have been doing my part in signing petitions, posting awareness on my story, and trying to educate others.

If you're going to protest, PLEASE STAY SAFE!

Go with another person and do NOT get separated from them. In the chaos of protests, people (especially women) get kidnapped all the time.

Use a water and baking soda solution to rinse out your eyes if they use teargas. Milk may help with the pain but it can make your eyes infected.

Bring umbrellas as a sort of shield against rubber bullets.

As silly as this sounds, if you have a leaf blower, bring one to blow away the tear gas.

If you can make your signs out of wood, that also can be used as a shield.

Wear loose clothing to hide your body shape but not so loose that you can't run. Also wear sneakers.

Those are just a few tips that I've picked up on throughout these protests. Stay educated and raise your voice. This is the generation that will make a difference.

I love you all! Stay safe.

Ps here is a link to different resources to donate, sign petitions, etc. I think you can just copy and paste into google and it should take you there.

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