One hundred thirty eight- Sam Winchester

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Imagine: you had just moved in with the Winchesters in their bunker

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Imagine: you had just moved in with the Winchesters in their bunker. You guys were extremely close and you needed a place to stay so they welcomed you. As you were getting settled in your new room, Sam came to check on you.

Third person POV

Sam approached (y/n)'s room and looked through the crack in the door. Inside, she was nodding along to some music that was playing quietly. He admired her for a moment, taking in how beautiful and carefree she looked. Snapping out of it, he lightly knocked on the door, making it open up more.

She looked up and grinned at her best friend. "Sam! To what do I owe the pleasure," she asked in a joking manner.

Sam chuckled lightly. "I just came to see how you were doing. You know, with the packing." He motioned to the empty luggage laying around.

"Well you know, not much to unpack. Come in." She motioned for him to enter with a smile.

He smiled and walked in, sitting at the edge of the bed. He looked down at the woman sitting cross legged on the floor as she organized a shelf. "Is there anything I can help with?"

"No, I'm ok. I'm just about finished." She moved a couple things around and stood up and clapped her hands. "Much easier than killing demons." She winked and Sam chuckled.

"Yeah, you'd think."

They both stood and walked toward the door. Sam stopped and turned to look at the woman in front of him.

"Why'd you stop?" She looked at him in confusion.

"Well Dean is out for a couple hours. He said he needed to run some errands. So, I was thinking, would you like to relax and watch a movie? I can make some food," he answered, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"A movie? Food? If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were asking me on a date."

He looked down before averting his eyes back to hers, pure love in his eyes. "Maybe I am," he said with a bit more confidence.

(Y/n) felt her heart begin to pound in her chest and she only hoped he couldn't hear it. The man she adored so much was asking her out. She swallowed back the nerves and let a smile wash over her face.

"Well then, that sounds great. But I'm taking care of the food. You are a terrible cook."

Sam put on a mock hurt expression, putting a hand over his heart. "Wow, (y/n), I am hurt. Just hurt."

She rolled her eyes and softly nudged his arm as she walked past him. Sam let a huge, victorious smile fill his face as he turned and walked next to her.

After a moment of walking side by side, (y/n) took his hand in hers and smiled to herself. Sam's smile only grew as he licked his lips and tried to contain his excitement.

He couldn't believe it.

He got the girl.

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