Chapter Three - Meeting Jack

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"Hello I'm Alex and I will be your waiter for this evening." our family looked towards him and then I could feel a couple of eyes on me as I knew what they were thinking. It had already been done so I continued sipping my water. We ordered and my family began to talk.

"Dr Cullen."

"Alistair." they greeted one another.

"I wanted to introduce my grandson to you daughter Renesmee. This is Michael." I looked at my sisters impression of a smile and the waved at each other.

"This is my...sister Allison. Say hi..sis." I turned my gaze to Michael who continued to smile


"Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"You too." Alistair made a short conversation with the rest of my family before leaving us. After dinner we all headed for the ballroom where there would be dancing and drinks. Renesmee made a bid and started dancing with Jacob while Michael was left to offer his hand to me.

"Oh you don't want to I will hurt your feet."

"I'm sure they will be fine. Please." I thought about it then nodded. We dance until the song finished and when it did we clapped. Alistair stood at the mic.

"I want to thank our band leader of 25 year Mal Suarez. Mal!" We clapped again as he came forward

"Mal my friend can you believe there is only three weeks left of our summer season?"

"No Mr Summers. We've been having to my fun for it to be over."

"Tell them about our summer ending talent show." he hinted

"Well whoever you are if you have a gift show it off and share it with us." I laughed at the irony if we showed our gift it would end very badly but he was asking for it.

"Speaking of talent please welcome our dancers Melissa and Jackson." The duo came out and began dancing as the music played I had already knew what Melissa looked like so I took in the look of her partner Jackson. He had dark hair toned body from what I could see and was a couple of inches taller. He was really good at his profession.

"They're really good." I commented

"I suppose. Jackson has got a attitude on him though, the guests seem to love him. They continued dancing for a bit before they broke off and danced with the guests. I was growing bored and a bit hungry so I decided I was going to have a snack.

"I am going to go. I'm tired, it's been a long drive." I smiled

"Oh okay I'll walk you back then." he said as I grabbed my shawl.

"It's fine."

"Well you never know we sometimes see garter snakes around here."

"I like snakes."

"What about bears we had one here last summer."

"They're my besties. Night Michael." I left and went into the woods. I took off running far way and skidded to a stop once I knew I wouldn't be caught. I listened and heard a bear. Taking off again I caught my prey and drank till I was full. Once I was done I returned and came out of the woods at a normal pace. I heard laughter and looked up towards a cabin which had lots of people inside it. I saw the boy from earlier carrying watermelons.

"Hey, Austin right?"

"Hey, book girl. You lost?" he questioned

"No, just talking a walk. What's up there?"

"This area is for staff only." He started struggling with the watermelons.

"Oh here, let me help you."

"No, I'm good." He lied as one nearly fell I stopped it from falling.

"Okay. Just don't tell anyone you were here. Come on, let's go." I followed him up the steps into the cabin. He opened the door with his foot and I entered. I stopped short at all the men and women in here. I didn't matter to me who they were but more like what they were doing. They were dancing but not in any way I've seen before. It was close like personal space close, seductive close, provocative close.

My feet began to move again as I looked at them in wonder and excitement. This kind of dancing would make my sister blush in embarrassment. Like she would want to try but wouldn't want to know where to start. I looked at the singer who was the piano man from our dance class earlier that day.

"Hey you gonna carry that watermelon all night." I turned back to Austin and followed him. He took the fruit from me and I went back to watching everyone. The door opened and in came Melissa and Jackson. They joined in with the dancing and in the same style to the song had finished.

Jackson got up on stage to the cheers of the other dances. He began singing, then back to dancing with Melissa. My eyes were entrapped by the two professionals dancing and singing followed them across the room and Billy must have seen where I was looking.

"That's my bro Jackson. He got me the job here."

"Is that his girlfriend?" I wondered

"Mels? No she's just his dance partner." We caught Jackson attention. He didn't look pleased as he came over to us

"What is she doing here bro?" He looked at me and I felt a little flutter and flutter that I previously only felt when Jacob was around.

"I carried his watermelon." I mentally slapped myself. The first words to a guy was about a watermelon nice going Ali. He looked at his brother then back at me

"What's your name?"


"Do me a favour Ali, carry your own watermelon next time. The bunkhouse is staff only." He went back to dancing with the others. I shared a look with Austin then decided to leave seen as it was clear I wasn't wanted here. I was just leaving when it seemed Jackson changed his mind and started sing the rest of the song to me and pulled me close to him by his waist. He started guiding my hips from side to side engaging me in the dancing like everyone else was going. He dipped my back and pulled me round. I found myself breathless as I felt the closeness that not even Jacob would think of doing. I felt a smile spread across my face.

Melissa came back over and took Jackson away I watched him awe of their skills. Jackson, though still dancing with Melissa still kept me in his sight even when he took to the stage finishing the song. My half dead heartbeat was racing at this point.

After half an hour I left with this surge of confidence and freedom. How long it would last I have no idea but I like the feeling that this Jackson had over me.

3rd Person

That night Jackson left the bunkhouse for the night to spend time with Mrs Jones and woman in her fifties who has taken a special liken to Jackson. Where one sought one thing she gain another. The next morning left something to be desired though. While some of the staff were having breakfast Melissa wasn't to hungry and was then being inadvertently being called easy and slut. Jackson came to her defence but after was warned not to step out of line by the boss who clearly favoured ivy leaguers over the rest of his staff.

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