Chapter 30 - Welcome

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The girls and I were adamantly talking about babies names. They were throwing allsorts at me but I think I had a good idea what I wanted.

"Hello, Ladies. What's going on?" Jack came in with Dad and Jacob. We giggled

"They're talking babies names."

"Yeah, they're suggesting but I ain't budging. I like what I've picked." I stood up with help from Nessie.

"What have you picked?"

"Well even though I'm sure we're having a girl. Mom is adamant that one is a boy, I was thinking Johnny after your pops or JJ, Jackson Jacob Junior" Jack smiled

"I love it. For girls."

"Faith and Summer" His smile broadened and came to kiss me

"It's perfect" He kissed me softly and I melted. But there was  a sharp pain in my stomach.

"Awh!" I yelled

"Als!" I crippled over in pain which was when I noticed.

"I'm bleeding. I'm bleeding." I was lifted up and taken to the room that I had been set up for my birth. Why couldn't it be normal contractions and water breaking like humans.

"She's haemorrhaging."

"It's the twins, I can hear them something's wrong with one of them."

"Get them out, Now." I screamed. Clutching onto Jacks hand for dear life.

"Carlisle the morphine." Mom stated

"I said get them out, I don't care if it hurts save my babies!" Mom cam round to my other side while Dad held grandpa. I screamed   as I was cut open, flittered in and out of my babies being born. Grunting feeling my grandpa trying to get the babies out safely. I don't know how long it took but there was little screams. I groaned slightly opening my eyes.

"A  girl." I  tried to smile.

"Faith." I breathed . She was screaming, I watched Dad wrap her up and hand her to Jack.

"We need to get the other one, Faith says they're not moving." Dad informed us. Grandpa went further.

"I got them." I gasped slightly and saw Carlisle take him away.

"What, what's happening. What did we have?" I spluttered

"You have a boy."

"We have Johnny."

"Why isn't he crying, he should be crying."

"It's okay Carlisle, is helping him." Mom soothed me and I turned my head seeing only Grandpa's back. I felt relief when I heard him cry.

"There we go." Grandpa brought him over and rested him on me.

"Hi, Hi Johnny. I'm your mommy." I stroked his head and looked at Jack holding Faith.

"Their beautiful." I breathed closing my eyes.

-3rd Person-

Ali? Ali! Ali wake up."

"She's fine Jack." Carlisle told his grandson in law "It's the morphine kicking in, she's just asleep." Bella picked up little Johnny and took him round to his Dad.

"Jack why don't you and Bella take the twins to be cleaned up."

"I don't want to leave her."

"She'll be fine. She'll be cleaned up and left to sleep while her body heals.

"When will she wake up?" Jack wondered concerned for his wife

"A few hours at the least. Enough time for you to clean the twins and be back in here when she wakes." Jack nodded and leant to kiss his wife's head.

"I'll be back soon." He and Bella left and came out where everyone was waiting.

"So?" Alice asked. Jack  looked at all of them then back at his son and daughter

"Meet Faith and Johnny Cassidy." they tilted the babies upwards so that the others could see.

"How's Ali?" Jacob asked only taking a small glance at the babies

"She's sleeping. Rose, Alice will you clean her up ready for when she wakes?"

"Of course." Bella took Jack with the twis so that they could be washed and changed. He picked up Johnny and then faith kissing both of their heads.

"They want to know where Allison is." Jack looked at Edward then down at his children

"Mommy's sleeping, she'll be awake soon. Do we know why Johnny couldn't breathe?"

"The cord was detached from him and he began to shut down. Faith his blaming herself." Jack looked at his daughter

"It's okay, it wasn't your fault."

"Carlisle says She lost a lot of blood. She's healing and is gonna be okay, but he thinks she should hunt before she meet's the children." he nodded then turned his attention back to his children.

"Daddy's gonna go look after Mommy and when I come back she'll be with me. You're gonna stay with your Aunt and Grandparents okay." he kissed both of their heads and handed Faith to Edward and Johnny to Bella.

" he kissed both of their heads and handed Faith to Edward and Johnny to Bella

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Over the course of twelve hours, Ali's body began to heal itself fully. All that time Jack waited like she did when he was going through his transformation. What he never told her was that through all the pain he mentally went through he heard her, she is what helped him. Not that it needed saying but it's the thought that counts.

Early morning on the Second of January. Jack saw a twitch. just one in that second but he saw it and he stood up. one by one fingers, hand, arm leg, head and finally her eyes. Ali blinked rapidly focusing her eyesight.

"Hey." she heard and turned her head towards her beaming husband.

"Hey." she replied and he helped her sit up.

"How do you feel?" he asked as she slid off the bed

"Flat." Jack laughed "How long have I been out for?" she wondered

"12 hours." she raised an eye brow

"Wait that means we had new year babies. Where are they, I want to see them."

"You will but you need to feed. You lost  a lot of blood, if you were fully human you'd be dead."

"But I'm not so I'm okay."

"It won't take long. Let's go." He took her out the back and they took off running.  She skidded to a stop as did Jack. They both listened and heard a couple of elks.

"Race ya." She ran he shook his head and followed her

"The man is supposed to lead!" he joked

"Not with this he ain't." She jumped attacking the elk and drinking. He did the same with his. The found a couple of bears and deer's before heading back

"Much better."

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