Chapter Thirty One - Happy Family

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We entered the house and I ran upstairs. Everyone was waiting like when Jack was turned and when Nessie and I were born waiting for Mom.

"Welcome back." Grandma smiled

"They've been waiting to meet you." Jasper told me. I stopped in front of my parents.

"Mom, Dad." The turned around holding the twins. They turned their heads with their eyes open. They were still small but I figured in a few days they would start to grow

 They were still small but I figured in a few days they would start to grow

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"Hi." I coo. I took Johnny first and then Faith. "Oh look at you my babies." I felt a few tears run down.

"Hey it's okay." Jack wipes them away.

"Sorry, it's it was two weeks ago, I found out I was having them. Adjusting slightly." I sat down with them. Johnny started to fuss slightly.

"Oh it's okay. Mommy's here. I love you both so much."

"Let's give them some space." Grandpa stated and I heard them all leave. I shared a look of love with Jack.

"They're perfect." Jack took Faith.

"I swear to you two. You will be love so much more that I was. You will never go through what I did. I swear.

"We love you too Mommy." I looked at Jack.


"No it' Johnny. I'm just using Daddy's voice." I chocked on air.

"He don't leave me out." My head snapped towards the tv as the look of static appeared on the screen.

"You're both gifted."

"Yes. "

"Err, Johnny, can I have your Dad back please." Jack shook his head.

"What, what happened?"

"It's the twins, their gifted."

"They are?"

"Yeah, they like have a stem from my power of manipulating things. Johnny he talked through you and Faith, she projected her voice through the tv. Do it again babies. but use me. My head dolled and then snapped back up. Jack was shocked

"That was so weird."

"What did he say."

"He asked me if you looked pretty." I smiled "Faith said she loved me."

"We're gonna have our hands full with these two. But I will love it."



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A few days later the twins sat in bouncers watching me put contacts into Jacks eyes

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A few days later the twins sat in bouncers watching me put contacts into Jacks eyes. Mels, Frances and Austin were coming up.

"They will itch at first but you'll get used to them." I told him

"Okay, now like we practiced. Slower than you've been normally going." He stood and made his way over to the chair.

"Good. Blink." he did "Slouch and breath." He did so and I grinned

"Perfect." There was a knock on the door. Grandpa went to answer while my parents took the twins out of the room. I kissed Jacks cheek and stood next to him. Frances, Austin and Melissa all entered. I greeted them and they all took a look at Jack.

"Hey." I started and went over to them.

"Guys let's leave them to talk." I was the last one to leave giving him a thumbs up. I was holding Faith and listening in. Jack assured them he was fine. He said a lot had gone on between now and the wedding. Frances was adamant there was something else.

Jack handled it well saying that they had a right to know but if they wanted him to stay and still be in their lives they had to trust him and not ask questions. They didn't want to lose him so they agreed. Wondering how weird things could possibly get. I stood up and Nessie handed me Johnny. We joined them.

"Everything good." Jack smiled nodding and joining me

"I'd like you to meet Faith and Johnny." Faith reached out for her Dad, who took her in his arms.

"Your god children." Melissa stated

"Our children." I corrected

"Right, the adoption." Frances melted looking at the two.

"She has your eyes Jack." Frances smiled "Wait Johnny."

"Yeah, after Pops."

"May I?" She held out her arms.

"Sure." She held Johnny first and Austin held Faith.

"They both look like the mix the two." Melissa commented. "Right need to know."

"Yeah." Jack stated. They stayed for a few hours before leaving. We waved them off and turned around.

"Did you actually control yourself or did my little niece help?"

"Emmett, shut your mouth."

"That was me."

"No way can you be that tame. Are we even sure he's a newborn."

"I wouldn't do that Emmett, remembered what happened the last time." Edward warned

"Like it could happen twice in a row." I smirked looking at my husband

"Get the boulder." Emmett smirked


Emmett carried a big boulder and slammed it down in front of the two of them. I stood to the side watching with the rest of the family and a twin in each arm.

On my count." Jasper started "1.2.3" the began and Emmett used all his force but Jack was stronger just as Emmett looked like he was going to win Jack slammed his hand down. I grinned as Jack looked back at us.

"Did you see that." He came over and gave me a deep kiss. Pulling away I looked back to my uncle

"Told you so." he stuck his tongue out at me.

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