Chapter Twenty Five - Breaking Dawn

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"Allison." Mom called softly. "Allison, you need to sleep."

"I can't leave him. I won't." I shook my head.

"He won't be alone. Your Dad and Nessie are gonna stay here with him. The others are going to help change him."

"We don't have any clothes."

"Alice bought you some. The both of you. Hey look at me." My eyes flickered from my husband's still body to my mother's golden eyes.

"You need to freshen up. Have a wash, your still covered in blood. You don't want that to be the first thing he sees do you?" I said nothing.

"Come on, come with me." She pulled me up. I didn't protest, I didn't have the strength to I was so drained. She guided me out and we passed Dad and Nessie.

"Talk to him, please." Dad nodded and I was taken to the bathroom. Rose and Mom helped me remove the bloody clothes and run a bath. I got into the warm fresh, scented water. I sat there motionless replaying the crash over in my head. His unmoving body not responding to any of my calls.

"Make it stop."

"Make what stop, sweetie." Mom asked I slapped my hand to my head

"The images, I don't like them make them stop, make them stop." I began crying again. She shushed me and brought me into a side hug.

"They'll go away once you sleep okay. Shhhh." I sniffled as  she pulled away. Once I was cleaned Mom sat me in front of her cross legged as she dried my hair. I remember when I was little she used to do that for my sister. She dried it and plaited it.

"You need sleep."

"But what if he wakes up."

"We'll tell you, but for now rest. Please." I fought to keep them open but my body shut down and I fell asleep.


I bolted up right and was panting, looking around the room.

"Jack? Where's Jack."

"Hey, you're okay." Mom shushed me "It was a nightmare, you're fine."

"What about."

"He's okay still going through the transition. You've been out for twelve hours solid. How do you feel?" She asked me

"Hungry?" Mom chuckled.

"Come on, you can change then have something to eat before you go back in okay. Okay."


-3rd Person.-

Ali changed into the clothes Alice bought her

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Ali changed into the clothes Alice bought her. Bella took her to have something to eat and when she was finished. She left to be by Jacks side.

"He's so still."

"It's the morphine he had. Your mom was the same." Dad told her. Jack had been changed into white t-shirt and black slack. She looked over him and all the cuts and bruises from the accident were gone his features were becoming more refined and he didn't have a stubble. His dull life force that looked broken was now more healthy looking.

"Will he wake up soon?" Ali asked her Dad as she took his hand and kissed it.

"Not long now." She nodded, they left and Ali smartened him up a bit smoothing  his clothes. She took a stool and sat next to him watching the venom make physical changes.  After a while she started to move around but never leaving his side. Her Mom brought a sandwich  in and took it out when it had been eaten.

Moving around the room she fell asleep a couple of times but not for very long. The nightmares of the crash still haunted

Three full days after the slow pulsating heartbeat of Jackson Cassidy came to a final stop. Everyone in the house stopped as well. Bella looked at Edward Nessie shared a stare with Jake. Carlisle and Esme, Rose and Emmett. Alice and Jasper. All knew that there were no full humans left.

Allison. was stood looking out the window when the heartbeat of her husband ceased. She turned around to fully face him. Everything felt like it was in slow motion.

Jack opened his blood red, newborn eyes.

Jack opened his blood red, newborn eyes

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