Chapter Forty Three - Baby Cassidy

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Six hours later four members in the house heard a tiny gasp. The children looked at Jack who smiled, ruffling their hair. He stood up and walked into the room where his wife was and shut the door. Ali slowly started to move and after about fifteen minutes he head lolled to the side and she groaned

"Ugh, childbirth." She mumbled finally sitting up and holding her stomach. She opened her eyes and met Jacks very much relieved ones.

"It's a bugger."

"Do you get off scaring the crap out of me Ali." He brought her into a tight embrace

"I bet you live for the memories back at Summerland before this." She mumbled into his chest.

"Yeah, but I still wouldn't change a thing." He pulled back

"Come on, you need to feed." She nodded and slipped off. The headed out the back and fed. When she was full and well they opened the door to the house.

"Mom!" The twins screamed and ran over to her.

"Hey."  She crouched down to face them

"You're okay." Johnny smiled

"Of course I am, never doubt that. Now have you been looking after your baby sister?"

"Yes." She kissed both their heads

"Brilliant. Now how about I go meet her." She stood up.

"Grandpa." Ali smiled over at him

"Allison. Someone's been waiting to meet you." He looked down at the six hours old baby girl.

"Hey, you." She picked the baby up and the little one opened her eyes.

"You are beautiful."


I looked up towards Jack, with a small smile.

"Have you named her yet?" I wondered sitting down, the children followed suit and  started cooing over their baby sister.

"Actually I have. My Nan wanted to name my mom it but Pops didn't like it. He said it was to biblical.

"Go on."

"Abigail. Abigail Nicole Cassidy."

"Abigail. I love it. Hi Abi." 



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The next day, we returned back to the hospital. The children opened the door to Frances's room.


"My babies." She smiled meekly.

"Nan." Jack kissed her cheek. She then looked at me.

"Someone wants to meet you." I laid Abi on her and she lifted her arm to  stroke her.

"This is Abigail Nicole Cassidy, your new great granddaughter."Jack told her.

"She wonderful. I'm glad I got to see her this once." She muttered her arm dropped and she let out one finally breathe lifted Abi up into my arms

"Nan. Nana." I listened to her heartbeat there was none.

"Jack. Jackson. She's gone." The doctor came in and we were all shuffled out of the room. Dr Addams came out with a solemn face. Jack hid his face in my neck.

"I am very sorry for your loss." The children cried as well and I nodded.

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