Chapter Thirty Six - Summerland

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"Uncle Austin! Auntie Mels!" the kids screamed seeing the two. The ran as humanly fast as possible to reach the two who picked them up.

"Where are your parents?" Mels asked holding Faith.

"Here." we chimed arms wrapped around one another.

"The kids were chewing at the bit to see you. Nonstop about seeing their Aunt and Uncle." Jack grinned

"When we were driving, Dad was telling us all about when he danced with you." Faith beamed

"Was he now."

"Yeah. Can we join in with you?" Johnny asks

"Sure. Come on."  I flashbacked two when I was first here, I could barely dance without stepping on toes, now everyone's were safe. Johnny and Faith were giggling while Mels taught them and the other guest the meringue. When It was time for tea we left to sit on the veranda. I pushed the children's chairs in and Jack pulled out mine.

"Why thank you."

"Your welcome."

"Are they letting any old riff raff in now? Staff don't sit with guest." We heard someone comment. I turned to see Alex on wait staff and worse our waiter.

"Excuse me?"

"Leave it, Ali. Alex, I would say nice to see you again, but I would be lying."

"Since when do you sit at the high table."

"Since I was a guest here and not staff."

"As if, Jackson Cassidy would never be able to afford this place." Alex scoffed

"A lot can change in two years. "

"Is everything alright here?" Michael arrived looking at the two males

"Just fine, isn't it Alex."

"Alex, Jackson is here with his family." Michael looked towards the group of us.

"Dad." Faith asked

"I'll get you another waiter." Michael offered

"It's fine. Right Alex?" Jack sat down and kissed Faith's head.

"Of course. What can I get you." We ordered food.

"Welcome back. I didn't have the chance to say earlier." Michael smiled at all of us

"Thank you. Faith, Johnny this is Michael. Michael these are mine and Jacks children."

"Yes the adoption. I overheard Melissa and Austin talk about it. It's nice to meet you. How have you been?"

"Good. Having these two make is all the better."

"It's nice to see you happy." he briefly glances at Jack. I do to but he's talking with the children.

"I will leave you too your meal." When it arrived some of us ate while the rest picked at it.

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