Chapter Thirty Three - Happy Birthday Faith and Johnny

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Over the next few months the children grew from toddler to child

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Over the next few months the children grew from toddler to child. By the end of the first year they reached the look of age seven. It was now their first birthday and I was rushing around setting everything up.

"Mom, do the wolves constantly look like wolves or do they change like Jacob?" Faith asked eating some M AND Ms

"They're like Jacob sweetie. They shift on command...most of the time. No eating the food, the others will be here soon." There was laughed followed by Johnny hiding behind me giggling.

"Hide me, Hide me, the green lion's trying to eat me."

"I'm coming to get you." Johnny squealed as Jack appeared "Where is he? Where is my little cub? I'm gonna eat him." Jack stopped and turned around

"Back in a sec Mommy, just gonna hide Daddy." Johnny spoke through Jack

"Johnny Cassidy, Even though it's mildly amusing watching your Dad speak like he was a child. And I fully encourage you using your gift and honing it. Locking your Dad up is not allowed. Let him go please." Jack shook his head

"Johnny." Jack stood behind his son and picked him up. "You little muchkin." The doorbell went

"Ok, it's Dad's side, remember what we asked?"

"No using our powers."

"Very good." Jack kissed their heads and went to answer the door

"Yes, your Dad side agreed that they would go along with the unusual, let's not rock the boat." Mels, Austin and Frances came in.

"Auntie Mels!"

"Uncle Austin!" The children screamed running to Melissa and Austin who picked them up

"Hi Frances." I hugged my grandma in law.

"Hello Honey. How are doing"

"Great, how are you?" I replied.

"Fine." She answered but something seemed off, like something had changed but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Nana!" The children then hugged her

"Oh look at you two, you've grown so much since I last saw you." She shared a hesitant look with her grandson who just smiled.

"Yeah, we've grown 10 inches." Johnny beams and I chuckled

"Oh Happy New Year by the way." I say

"Happy New year." The children take them into the front room when the bell rang again. I went to get it this time and there was my family.

"Hey, come on in." I stepped aside hugging them. I was just about to finish something in the kitchen when Frances stopped me



"When are the other children coming here?" She wondered sipping on her drink.

"Other children?"

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