Chapter Forty Five - Jacob's Arrival

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A couple of months after Frances' funeral. We were moving along as a family quite well, it still stung Jack that she was really gone and he would no longer speak to her on the phone or see her on the weekends. His main distraction was the kids, the void of weekends were now take up of Jack driving us to various places. The children absolutely loved it. As for Abi she was growing so much, so fast. She now looked like she was three years old and she was completely adored. Faith and Johnny were the best brother and sister a girl could ask for and Abi loved playing with them. The twins had aged another year and they were gaining separate personalities. Faith loved clothes and books when not with her family playing or doing activities she was looking at clothes or reading a book. This delighted Alice to no end.

Johnny was like his Dad, dancing, motor bikes and music. We had gotten him a small kids Motor bike and absolutely loved it. As for myself I was exhausted juggling three kids, husband. It was good exhausted, I taught the kids while Jack was at work, well that and fixing up the outhouse for Jacobs arrival he was moving in three days.  Infact the whole family was moving. Jacob to the cottage on our land and the others to a house 3 miles from us. It was time for them to move a long, So we would be one big family.

"Mama!" Abi ran in with Faith and Johnny  behind her laughing. She hid behind my legs and giggled

"Sissy and bubba chase."

"Are they now." They all laugh. I turn and picked my little girl up "Gotcha!" I give a flurry of kisses on her face.

"Shall we get Sissy and Bubba?" She nodded. Faith and Johnny started running and we chased after them. I lost track of how long we chased each other but we stopped when were heard Jack.


"Daddy!" Three Screams came and they both ran for him. He dropped to his knees and embraced the two of them. I walked over.

"We missed you." Faith told him

"Well I missed you too. What have you been doing today?"

"Mom taught us this morning and then we play chase while Mom was finishing Jacob's home.  Then she joined in as well." Johnny answered

"Daddy chase Mama." my mouth dropped a bit as he looked up. I took off running using my supernatural speed  sadly he was vampire to which meant it was always a close shave. I felt myself being pulled back to his laughter and the children.

"Got you."

"Have you now." I flipped him over my shoulder and to the ground and then sat on his stomach.

"Got you." I winked down at him. I looked up at my children and grinned. Jumping up I helped him up as well.

"Why don't you go watch a film while I sort dinner out." We all made our way inside as the children put Camp Rock. I watched from the serving hatch between the two rooms , they were dancing along up on the sofa and chairs. The phone rang and Jack went to answer, I moved around the kitchen fixing up.

"Babe.  Jacob is on the phone." He handed me it.

"Hi Jake." I held the phone while stirring the sauce.

"Hey, I know  was due to move in like three days but what would you say if I arrived tomorrow."

"Seriously?" I quizzed

"Yes, is that a problem?"

"No, everything is ready. Just wondering if there is any particular reason for the next day delivery."

"No, Nothing. Anyway. I will see you tomorrow."

"Okay. See Ya." We hung up and I dished up.

"Dinner's up!"  They went to wash their hand and I served. When we sat down I told them about Jacobs early arrival. After dinner the children finished watching their film which was followed by bath time and bedtime. I laid in bed writing when I heard Jack walk in and start stripping. I looked up as he took off his shirt and trousers, shoes and socks. He climbed into bed and I rested on his cold chest.

"How's it going."

"Good. Chapter Forty." I went back to writing and he kissed my head switching the Tv on. Another hour and I put my laptop away doing another three chapters.

"So what is with Jacob turning up early."

"He didn't say much about it just asked if I was okay with it. I think his wolf is getting restless."

"His wolf?"

"His wolf is more sensitive than Jacob. For ten years Jacob suppressed what his wolf was telling him, ignoring him and when he finally felt himself feel jealous and protective. It opened a flood gates for everything else.  His wolf kind of takes over. I hope him moving here helps"

"I think it will. I hope it will."

"Jack him being here, it won't change anything between us will it?"

"Why would you ask that."

"With him and the others being in Alaska  it was out of sight out of mind. But with Jake moving here. It could be a disaster. I mean I'm his imprint, his imprint who he loves. His imprint who he fought against and then one whiff of another male and whoosh. He has all of these feelings for someone who has moved on. I just don't want arguments and jealousy."

"We'll be fine."


"I promise." he gave me a kiss and I fell asleep in his arms.


The next day I pulled into the airport strip and  got out just as the planed was pulling in. Waiting for it to come to a stop and it opened  up. Jacob was the first out. I smiled as he came bounding down the steps and ran over to me picking me up. I laughed and gave him a hug. When he finally put me down.

"I'm glad you're here."

"I am too." I looked at the other who had arrived as well."

"Hi!" I greeted the rest of my family. We talked for five minutes before we got into our cars. Jacob rode with me and we made our way back home. The others will go to theirs then meet up and mine later. When we arrived the children and Jack were waiting and when Jake got out the children where ecstatic. He shared a handshake with my husband and we took his bags inside.

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