18 - Secrets and Disappearing Acts

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[A/N: There is an explicit scene. For my PG readers, skip. There are markers! I don't want to hear complaining because there are warnings before and after. Anyway, enjoy the chapter! ;)]

The bed shifts underneath me as Tony climbs in behind me. I know its him because I smell his lavender-lemon scent drift over me in a cloud. As I resisted the urge to pull away from him, he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me to him. I hated feeling like this. I hated that I was keeping stuff from him. Tony and I had always been open with each other. And over the years of our relationship, I made two new best friends with Reese and Tracey. But then they had to go and fuck everything up. Literally!

Tony snuggled his nose deeper into the crook of my neck, taking a sniff. Probably smelling my lily flower body wash, which he loves for some reason. I try my hardest to relax in his arms, but even I know he can feel my stiff muscles.

"What's wrong?" He breaks the silence of the night, his warmth breath fanning across my skin.

I'd stayed up all afternoon, thinking about different ways to approach the problem. The only thing I came up with was to avoid the topic of Reese, Tracey, hookups, or anything in between. And avoiding eye contact with Tony. Even after I helped Haley get ready for her date with Phillip, I couldn't help but let my mind wander. While she was checking herself out in the bathroom mirror, I texted Phillip good luck. Once they were all taken care of, I shot a text to Tony that I wasn't hungry. He, of course, was worried, but I shook it off.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts, looking slightly over my shoulder at him. "Nothing, just thinking."

He rolled me over so we were face-to-face. I stared into his eyes, trying not to get lost in them. He had a habit of doing this whenever I was hiding anything remotely small. Should have known he would pull this. As he continued to search my face for any kind of tell, I hid my smile. I've trained myself to not show I was lying over years in a house with my sister and brother. He growled in frustration before rolling to face the ceiling.

"I don't like it when you hide things from me." He stated, reaching up to scratch his neck. It was then that I realized he was shirtless. And judging from his bare leg that was rubbing up against mine, I'd say he didn't have any pants on either.

"Even though I'm not hiding anything," I started, lying straight through my teeth. Such a terrible girlfriend. "Want to have hate sex?"

I didn't have to hear anything to tell Tony had a smirk on his lips. Those wonderful lips that consumed mine the next second. I clawed at his back, glad for this outlet. Even though I couldn't tell him verbally, I let him know all my worries through our kiss. His roamed all over my skin, even lower than the equator. 

[A/N: WARNING! Gets a little heated and not appropriate for all ages.]

As his hands slipped into the waistband of my shorts and panties, I moaned into our kiss. His tongue slips into my mouth, exploring my own. It's his turn for a noise to come from the back of his throat as I play with the waistband of his boxers. Before my hands can go any further, his fingertips graze my core and I stop cold. My back arches up to press against his and I suck in a sharp breath.

Tony's lips find their way to my neck and chuckle against my warm skin, gently licking as his fingers work their magic. I start panting, clawing more forcefully at his back. There might be actual claw marks in the morning. If I don't stop this now, I'll be finished before he even had a chance to start. My hands move swiftly down and start tugging on his boxers. He takes a break, letting me sigh in relief, and helps me in my mission. Once his bottoms are off, he tugs off mine.

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