Goddess of Oceans

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And so, you were off. You had no idea where you were going, but you were traveling nonetheless. Sitting perched on the Djinn's shoulder, you learned that his name was Harun, and that you and that you were the keeper of the metal vessel he belonged in. Along with that, you revealed the news that Dedric, your father, had past away a few years ago.

Harun's face fell, but he remained composed. He tried his best not to let this news get to him, for your sake, and for his. He tried pushing past it by answering your questions:

"You see, my goddess, when you wield the ring while I'm inside it, you can transform and gain new magical abilities just by saying my name," Harun spoke with confidence as he made long strides through the sand.

"... Alright," you blinked "that knowledge aside, why do you keep referring to me as a 'goddess'? Also, before you said I was the 'goddess of oceans'. What's that about"?

"Well, you are exactly that, you see. You are the reborn goddess of oceans."

Your face remained in a puzzled state "Please start from the beginning".

Harun sighed and wove you the tale of how you came to be:

Long ago existed a beautiful warrior who traversed the seven seas. Her objective was to keep the peace along the water, taking out anything that was threatening, or even anything that threatened the oceans itself. It's not known why she was driven to do this task, she just felt like it was her purpose.

She wore a ring that I was kept in, much like yours, and I aided her in her vision for peaceful waters. But one day, we were outmatched by the powerful ocean beast known simply as The Great Fish. With a slam of its scaly tail it could take out armies, and that's what it did. She and I were no match for The Great Fish, and we sunk to the bottom of the sea, where she met her demise, and I was released from my vessel.

Hundreds of years past and all the progress she and I made had all but vanished. The oceans became more dangerous than ever, and hope was lost along the sea.

But, by whatever divines that exist above, a miracle occurred, and I could sense it. The protector of the sea, the ocean warrior herself, was reborn, but her presence seemed a lot more powerful. I journeyed my way over to the reborn warrior, hoping to be reunited once again. That is when I ran into you, and your protector.

"D-do you mean-?" you stuttered.

"Dedric, your surrogate father," Harun nodded "You see, I was ready to take you away myself if he was a dangerous human, but he informed me of the truth. He told me that he actually saved you from a very sinister group he was formerly apart of that had gotten their hands on you just for the sole purpose of taking advantage of your power".

Eyes shaking, you clutched your shirt, listening intently to the Djinn's words.

"And what power it was! Rukh were swarming you like crazy, more than any typical magical creature I know of! That's how I knew you, the reborn warrior, was not just a human any longer, but something more. A goddess is the best way I could describe it."

"A goddess? No no, that can't be right," you shook your head "Where even is this 'rukh'? How could you be so sure?"

"You might not think much of your abilities now, but when the time comes, you will see the power you truly wield, my goddess."

You paused, this was all so much to take in "A-And then what happened? You know, after you found me with my father?"

"Well, after I was sure that Dedric was truly a good man like his word, I allowed him to raise you like a human would. I thought it'd be the best for you. I also told him about myself, and how you were the sole owner of my power. He then agreed to temporarily take me in and be the keeper of your vessel until you were fully grown. He wore that silver band around his finger, and allowed me to use it for the time being."

You clutched the ring in your hand.

"Put it on, goddess," Harun's voice was gentle "He meant for you to wear it, so I could protect you and aid you when danger arose".

Your hands were shaking as you looked down at the ring, and a memory you had thought you had long forgotten came to your mind.

"Papa, why do you always wear that ring around your neck and insist on hiding it?" your small fingers pointed at the chord dangling over his chest.

"Oh, this old thing?" Dedric lightly touched the silver band "Well, you could say that this ring is too special to wear, and too special to let anyone else see," he tucked the band back under his shirt collar.

"Why? Is it a secret ring?" you blinked up at him.

He rustled his fingers in your hair "I'll explain it to you more when you're older and better able to understand. Alright?"

You nodded.

You could almost still feel the warmth of your father in that ring. He kept safe for you for all those years, and intended on protecting you even after he was long gone.

"Papa, I wish you were able to explain everything to me like you promised," you slipped the ring onto your finger "but I assure you I'll be fine, and I'll figure out everything that I'm meant to be with your memory keeping me on course".

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Author's Note:
I do apologize if this Fan Fiction isn't update as frequently as you'd like! This is my first FF and it's more as a hobby I do on my downtime, so I don't put my attention to it too frequently. I also struggle with writer's block, and fear that things won't be accurate to Magi lore exactly. If something isn't quite right in terms of cannon elements (excluding obvious changed), I apologize.

Other than that, thanks for reading! I highly appreciate it. :)

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