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Back on shore the sun had finally risen into the sky fully, both you and Sinbad un-equip your Djinns and walk up to the palace in a comfortable silence, both wondering what exactly was going to happen next between the both of you.

Inside, you departed from Sinbad, making your way to your room. He wanted to nothing more than to be at your side and reminisce about the good old days, but he also understood that you went through hell over just the past handful of hours, despite your victory. And, although he'd never admit it, he too was exhausted over worrying about you all night.

"King Sinbad!" a young sounding male voice echoed in the hallway.

Sinbad turned around and saw his advisor, Ja'far, looking particularly surprised to see him.

"When did you get back? Did you have any luck finding the goddess?" Ja'far looked like he had been worried sick the whole time as well.

Sinbad shot a huge smile "Well, thanks to Yamuraiha's detection magic, I sure did!"

"And you're alright? Is she alright?"

Sinbad waved off his anxiety "She's a bit tired, but I am better than ever, Ja'far!"

Ja'far stared at him in awe and anticipation "Well, what happened?"

Sinbad divulged everything you had just told him about the events on the ship to Ja'far.

"So those 'Wizard Pirates' wanted to steal the goddess back just to use her powers for their own selfish deeds?" Ja'far repeated.

"Seems to be so. But it's so crazy that she-" Sinbad cut himself off. He wasn't sure whether or not he wanted to tell his advisor about you and his own pasts just yet. It was almost as if it was a sacred secret between the two of you, and he wanted to cherish it a bit longer.

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Back in your room you wanted nothing more than to take a well deserved nap. But how could you? After all that had happened, all that you learned, your whole view on the mysterious world you thought you understood at least a little bit had been flipped upside down in just one night.

You learned so many new things about yourself. Your past, where you came from, but one thing above all was keeping you awake more so than all that.


Before you made it on the deck of the ship you recalled him coming to your mind in the midst of your escape. Even though you had been spending the past few days living in pain due to seeing his smiling face that had once broke your heart, you seemingly had a change of emotion once you were separated and in the heat of danger.

Back on the boat you had thought that you might be in love with Sinbad again, or perhaps you never stopped but had forgotten, but now that you were laying on the cozy bed sheets, safe and sound, you were now able to get your emotions in order.

The memory of you and Sinbad kissing at the end of the dock flashed in your mind, followed by his cheerful face you saw as you spoke with him moments after he finally remembered you. He was happy to see you, yes, but does he remember what he did to you? Was he ever even aware of the consequences of his actions? Does Sinbad even harbor feelings for you anymore? Or did he forget all that as well?

You let out a long sigh "I can't keep sitting on this, plus I have already spent a few days here to rest due to my recklessness before. I really should get going, for good."

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Sinbad and Ja'far were talking in the hallway while you opened up the door to exit your room.

Sinbad turns in surprise "Oh, what are you doing up? I thought you were tired?"

"I was actually about to leave," you say with no emotion.

You begin to walk out of the room but Sinbad stops you with his body blocking your progression forward.

"Whoa whoa whoa, hold on! Why this all of a sudden?" Sinbad looks confused by your sudden decision, eyeing your ocean rags you were now wearing once again.

"I would love to stay here longer and reminisce, but I still have a job to do since my powers are back," you take a deep breath "I can no longer sit in this palace to only forgot the duties I still have. I've been too relaxed as of late".

He looks down at you with a saddened look on his face "And what duty is that exactly where you have to leave this instant? You have just gotten back from being kidnaped, what is it that's so important for you to leave now? We still have so much to catch up on, Y/N!"

He said your name with such passion that it caught you off guard, making your heart skip a beat.

You raise your lip, avoiding his gaze "Despite you simply remembering my name and our pasts all of a sudden, I am still the goddess of oceans, King Sinbad. I have still have duties to attend to out at sea, no matter how tired I might be".

"So it has to be now? And why the sudden formalities? Aren't we friends?"

You felt something in your heart snap.

So we are really just friends...

Ja'far stood back watching all this occur with a lost look on his face.

"Excuse me," you push the king out of your way with ease, not making eye contact with him or his advisor. You the made your way out of the castle and through the city.

Sinbad, who was on your tail, continued badgering you with questions and pleas to stay a bit longer, but you knew you couldn't. Ever since you returned to Sindria just hours ago your heart ached none stop and you could no longer stay here when you were finally given a chance to leave.

You step on the beach and turned to Sinbad.

"Y/N, please," he begs to you "we have so much to catch up on, not to mention you'd make such a great ally for my kingdom".

Hearing him say that last part tore you up more inside. He was a friend, but also a king, and he still wanted to use that to his royal advantage. But still, you stared directly at Sinbad's face, and still saw the Tison boy you had fallen in love with all those years ago.

Steadily, you walked up to the king and grazed your hands on his cheeks "It hurts so much to even be here right now, talking to you".

Sinbad clenches up to your touch but is hooked on to every word you say.

"So I want you to feel that same way while I'm gone," you bat your eyelashes and bring the man's face closer to yours. You gently press your lips to his, feeling his tense expression against your face.

Without even looking him in the eyes, you release your lips from his and turn back around to face the sea. Without a single 'Goodbye' from your mouth, you dive into the water, and speed away from Sindria, hoping you won't regret a single thing.

Remember Me, Sinbad [Magi: Sinbad x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now