Together Again

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With your Djinn still equipped you glided over the top of the water on your way back to Sindria. The sun began to rise, and the color's of the morning sky were dazzling across the water's surface. Everything in this moment felt so amazing! The crisp, ocean air that filled your lungs. The fresh sea water that was just chilled enough to touch and feel refreshed. And what made you even more energized was the fact that Harun was back.

"Harun, I've missed you so much! Where have you been all this time?" you ask with a gleeful tone in your voice.

Harun speaks to you as a disembodied voice as your Djinn is currently equipped "Oh goddess, I missed you dearly as well, and I'm sorry I left you without an explanation," he let out a pained sigh "When you were fighting the Big Fish, I just couldn't control myself! I don't know what came over me, but especially after it tossed you away, I got more angry at the creature than I had been and wanted to get a piece of the action myself, which didn't end up going very well. By the time I came back to the ring, you were no longer with it. It was already in the hands of those awful wizards, and they were already on their way to kidnap you. I figured the best way to get back to you was to follow them. I knew they were up to something, and it just had to involve you!"

"You mean it took you days to get back into the ring?" you were shocked "How long were you fighting that fish, Harun?"

"Quite awhile, I'd say. I'm already pretty old so, I tend not to be dragged down by the passage of time."

"But like, why did you only come back into my ring once I saw that giant woman in the water?"

"Giant woman?"

"Yeah! She touched my ring, and suddenly you were back in the vessel! I didn't see you at all, but I felt your power within it, so I equipped you."

Harun had choppy breaths, thoughts in his head trying to connect to what you were saying "I-I don't remember a giant woman underwater though, and I was underwater following that ship for a long time!"

"No no, you must have! There was a glowing aura around her and she was huge! You couldn't possibly have missed her, especially since she was the one who returned you to me in the first place."

"Huh," Harun mentally hit a wall "now that you mention it, I don't remember see you in the water either".

"For real?" you couldn't fathom what you were hearing.

"Actually, I don't remember anything at all from right before I reunited with you."

Harun paused to think as your ear perked up at his intriguing new words.

"Yeah, the last thing I remember before you equipped me was the ship docking in the rocky shallows behind Sindria," Harun sounded bewildered, unable to understand even his own memories.

"So," you begin to say "you don't remember that last hour or so at all right up until the fight?"

"Th-that is right...."

The two of you remain silent. It had been awhile since both you or Harun couldn't figure out a mystery together. It one of you were ever lacking, the other would always pick up the slack. But thinking too much more about this started giving you a headache, and there was nothing that could be done about it anyway for now, so you decided to end the subject all together.

"Well, I'm still really sorry that we got separated."

"No worries, goddess. I did get a few good hits on the Big Fish though, and I think it took some heavy damage because of me, so I think if we head back soon it might be a little easier to take on. But make sure you Djinn equip first this time, okay? Then we will definitely be fighting that beast together!"

You nod "Sounds like a plan!"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Nearly halfway there you spot another floating figure in the distant air ahead. Squinting your eyes and could tell it was a tanned, male body with red details all over him. Upon getting closer you could tell that it was Sinbad himself, and he equipped one of his many Djinns, obviously.

"Y/N!" calls out to you, speeding toward you with a relieved look on his sculpted face.

You fly up to one another and he brings you in a tight embrace. You face immediately goes flush by the sudden physical contact, and you stiffen with your arms out awkwardly.

"Y/N," he gradually released the tight hold on you, but only to slowly drag his hands down your arms "I was so worried about you".

"Y-you said my name?" you then dig through your recent memories and could kind of recall that he called out your real name last night as well, but you were too drunk and upset to care.

"Yes, and I'm so sorry I didn't recognize you! I was a fool not to notice it sooner."

Out of everything that had happened the past few days, you couldn't help but laugh after hearing Sinbad's apology "Sin, it's alright. Don't worry about it".

After being on that ship, and learning so much about your own past, you had changed your perspective slightly. Seeing him after all that only made your heart race. You hadn't felt this way in awhile, and you tried to keep your blushing to a minimum. But still, a curious though floated in your mind:

I wonder if he even remembers the promise we made all those years ago now....

"It was a long time ago," you speak up "You have your own kingdom to keep track of, I would expect you to forget a few things".

"No! That's not alright, Y/N!" he blurts with disgust.

You were taken by surprise by his outburst.

"Y-you always meant so much to me, but then we-" he clutched his head "No... I-".

You eyed his expression he was making to get the gears spinning in his head.

"Don't worry about it Sinbad. How would you have known I was the goddess of oceans anyway?" you shrugged "It's not like you would have expected that anyway".

Sinbad looked quizzically at you "Yeah, you're right! How did that happen anyway? Did you keep it a secret for all our youth, or what?"

You shake your head "I'll explain that to you on the way back to Sindria, alright?"

Sinbad nodded in agreement, and the two of you went on your merry way back to the kingdom.

Remember Me, Sinbad [Magi: Sinbad x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now