Mastering The Element

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Harun was able to take you to a cliff side far far away from the Tison  Village. From there, he let you down from his shoulder, asking you to stand on the edge. You peered down and feasted your eyes on the water below, and how it seemed to be miles down from where you stood.

"Agh!" you instinctively stumbled backward. You could feel your stomach drop just after one glance at that long way down to the sea "Nope! No thanks!"

"Just stand there, I never asked you to leap off!" Harun yelled to you as he sat down cross legged a ways behind you.

The ground shook a little from his weight hitting the ground so quickly, making you even more on edge, "Can't we just go to a normal beach to awaken my ocean powers? It's so high up from the water on this cliff".

The Djinn shook his head, "That might be easier for you but this way is much faster. Now, walk over to that edge and stretch your arms out!"

With some verbal pushing and encouragement you finally did what Harun asked of you and got within a foot of the heart pounding drop. Slowly, you raised your arms wide out at your sides and inhaled deeply.

"Okay, good. Now concentrate on the water," Harun called out.

"Got it!" You stared out at the open ocean, listening to every wave that splashed against the rocks below "Then what?"

"I don't know, just keep doing that, I guess?"

"You 'don't know'?" You repeat "You 'guess'? I'm starting to think you're not entirely sure if any of this will work!"

"Well, not really, if I'm being honest."

You turn and glare at the Djinn who was playing with his braided hair, "You sounded so sure!"

"We had to start somewhere, I know you have the power, it's just a matter of figuring out how to use it."

You bring your arms back to yourself and hide your face in your hands "Oh my god, what am I doing out here? Why did I leave the village?"

You turned around, stomping your feet in frustration "I'm not cut out for any of this! Reincarnation? That's just ridiculous! I'm just an unfortunate girl who just needs to go home, and that's it!"

By your last word, a large wave crashed from behind you, the top of it was close to the surface you were standing on, but you were not aware.

"I'm no warrior, I'm no goddess! And there is no way I am cut out to battle evildoers and giant sea monsters for the good of-"

A bigger wave crashed, this time it came over you, knocking you forward face first in the dirt.

Completely drenched, you coughed up some muddy sea water that got in your mouth as Harun watched in awe.


"What?!" You were too riled up. Your self doubt, plus being soaked by a loose wave, it was not a recipe for a good mood.

"You did that!"

"Did what?" you growled.

"That wave! The more angry you got the bigger it grew!"

"That's ridiculous."

"No no, look," the Djinn stood up and walked up next to you, pointing down to the water's edge down below "do you really think that that wave hit you by just accident? The water level is around forty feet down from here. A typical wave right now would not have reached this great height if it wasn't you who made it do that".

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