New Destiny

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You and Sinbad both stood in a state of shock after hearing what each other said.

"You mean, you don't want to get married either?" Sinbad looked solemn.

You shook your head, tightly clasping your hands together.

There was an uncomfortable silence the two of you dwelled in. Neither you or Sinbad had expected this result while playing all the possible outcomes in your heads moments before you both ran to talk to the other.

Sinbad slowly parted his lips, being diligent in choosing his words carefully "So... do you still love me?"

You jumped at his sudden question "O-of course! Of course I still love you, Sinbad!"

Sinbad sighed in relief "Okay, good!" he chuckled a little "I still love you too".

You sighed and began to smile slightly "Wow, this is-" you couldn't find the words to finish your thought.

"Well," Sinbad started "since it turns out we're on the same page, what should we do now?"

You shrugged "I'm not sure. Cancel the wedding, I guess? If neither of us want to get married, I think that's the next step".

Sinbad nodded "I agree".

You tilted your head "But first, if you don't mind me asking-"

Sinbad raised an eyebrow.

"What is your reasoning for not wanting to marry me?"

Sinbad gulped "You-" he glanced away from you "That's a very big question. We both had the idea, so is it really necessary for me to say?"

You cross your arms and nod.

He sighed "Okay, if you insist," Sinbad cleared his throat "I don't want to get married because... I'm afraid I'm going to hurt you again".

You felt a twinge in your heart as soon as he said that.

Sinbad put a palm to his face and groaned angrily at himself "I was so foolish back then, leaving you behind after our promise. And now that I look back on it, I realized that I hadn't really changed much. I've courted so many women in my time that I've since walked away from that it's not even funny. So, I'm just scared that...," Sinbad's eyes started to become slightly juicy "What if I do that to you?"

Your heart drops to the pit of your stomach.

"Our short relationship has actually been the longest I've ever had with any woman, so I just fear I might get bored of you and leave you just like all the rest. So, I feel like, if we get married, that would make things even harder for you if I were to ever do that."

You looked at Sinbad in front of you, his body shaking. It was hard seeing the capturer of seven Dungeons quiver before you in a fear his own mind had crafted, but you, too, were shaken by it all the same.

"Just thinking about hurting you like that," Sinbad continued "I can't even stand the thought. Not only would it be unfair to you, but it would absolutely destroy me if I were to lose you again because of my actions,"

"Sinbad, stop that," you calmly stepped to the great King of Sindria, showing his weakness to you, and pulled his head into the crook of your neck. You coo'd to him, calming him down with your warm embrace, gently placing a hand on the back of his head to hold him even closer to you.

Sinbad's nervous demeanor almost withered away just from your touch, and his heart beat began to slow as well.

"Before you think too much, let me give you my reasons for not wanting to get married today," you calmly whispered into his ear.

Sinbad waited in anticipation, subconsciously holding his breath in the tense silence. He then stepped away from you so you could speak to him face-to-face.

"Sinbad," you averted your eyes "I didn't feel like I should mention this initially, but I feel like it's important," you sigh. You lift your head up and look into Sinbad's sorrowful eyes with yours "The day you left Tison Village was also the day that my father died".

Sinbad grew stiff. He knew that your father had passed when he himself went back and visited the Tison Village years later to see his mom one last time, but he wasn't sure if he was ready to hear what you had to say about it.

"When I saw him laying on the kitchen floor the one thing I needed was you to grieve to. I thought it was the only thing to help me keep myself together, like how I helped you after you heard your father had passed. But, when I ran to go get you, you were already long gone," your eyes began to well up with tears "since then I had always thought I needed to deal with things on my own, and that covering my true emotions with anger and recklessness would allow me to live like that,"

Sinbad felt a knot in his chest tighten seeing the sadness fall on your face "That's why I can't bare the thought of doing that to you again. I'm no good for you, Y/N. You're better fit for someone who can care and worship you, unlike me-"

"Let me finish, Sinbad," you gently cut him off .

He quickly zipped his lips.

"I had learned a lot from running off on my own after that, but when I finally found you again— well, you actually found me— I began to learn that I didn't need to face things on my own and be tough all the time," you wiped the tears from your face and confidently grinned at the king in front of you "So, it's true that you hadn't changed since we were kids, Sinbad, but, as I have, you've learned from your travels and mistakes. I see a more mature you that didn't exist back then, but I still see the same love in your eyes when you look at me, and it looks nothing like how you looked at the other women during the time when you didn't remember me. But it is the same look both before and after I lost my powers".

Sinbad's heart skipped a beat when you said that.

"So, the reason why I don't want to get married is that I still want to get to know you more. I want to see how more different you are as a man and see how our love truly grows. Sure us being married looks good on paper, but we can do that anytime, there's no need to rush into it. We're in love, and that's all that matters," you gently take Sinbad's face and stroke his check with your smooth hands, adorning your new, golden vessel around your ring finger.

Eyes wide, he meets your hand with his, touching it gently. He chuckles slightly, shaking his head "Gosh, you're so amazing," you glances up to you with a twinkle in his eye "It makes me even wonder why I was ever worried about falling out of love with you in the first place. That seems so impossible to me now".

You laugh, and you slowly drape your arms over his shoulders, locking your hands behind his head.

He matches your intensions by placing both his hands on both sides of your waist, and the both of you begin to sway.

The two of you slow dance to the two halves of music playing in each of your hearts, foreheads resting on one another. You were still unclear of what the future for the both of you would hold for sure, but you could count on it having one another side-by-side until the very end of your adventure.

Remember Me, Sinbad [Magi: Sinbad x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now