Raging Waters

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You glared at the King who was tilting his head up at you, beginning to speak, "Listen".

His deep voice agitated all your senses, aggravating you further.

He exhaled gently "You... are especially beautiful".

You blinked.

"Despite your heavy, fishy smell, that is. Once you are back on your feet, would you mind accompanying me on an outing sometime?" he smugly raised one of his thin eyebrows, shooting you an award winning smile.

"...," you loosened a bit, staring at him with a very confused look on your face.

"I'm sorry, where are my manners?" Sinbad knelt down at the side of the bed "A goddess such as yourself deserves a more grandeur invitation. And maybe I was a but too forward?"


Why is he acting like this?

"K-King Sinbad," you couldn't help but stutter before you began to cough, your throat was so dry!

"Oh right, I apologize! Here," he hands you the goblet of water he brought in with him.

Does he... not recognize me?

With shaking hands you held the glass and stared blankly into it.

"Go ahead, drink up! It should help with that dry cough of yours at least a little bit," Sinbad smiled.

You glanced at him once more, the anger and dread that once tugged at your heart was now gone. What was left was almost like the feeling of emptiness.

He forgot about me completely....

You shook your head, ignoring the new pain in your chest. You finally brought the golden beverage receptacle to your lips and took a small swig. Almost immediately, you felt an intense burning sensation run down your throat and you started hacking. You couldn't help but drop the goblet and spill it all over your bedspread.

"Goddess!" Sinbad rose to his feet, bringing a tissue he had on hand up to your mouth.

You took it and started coughing into it. Despite the beverage burning you, it still managed to hydrate your throat slightly.

"W-what was in that goblet? Poison?!"

"No no! It was ordinary well water!"

"Well," you moved your legs to the edge of the bed, pushing Sinbad aside before getting up "it tasted more like acid to me!"

"Goddess, you are in no condition to walk off like this!" he grabbed your shoulder "Please lie back down".

You couldn't stand hearing his voice any longer.

Ugh! All these feelings, my body- they hurt so much!

You begin to lose balance, stumbling to the ground. Sinbad quickly dives to your side.

No, I can't let this phase me. If he's going to forget the past, then so should I! What I need to do is get my things and get the hell out of here....

Remember Me, Sinbad [Magi: Sinbad x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now