Bad Deeds

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Ja'far shook his head "A party? Tomorrow?! My King, I do wish you'd run your plans by me first, especially if a lot of planning is involved!"

Sinbad waved off his assistant "Come now, you think you would be able to convince me to not throw a party?"

Ja'far sighed, glaring at Sindria's King who currently had his legs propped up and crossed on top of his desk, all while leaning back in his chair "And are you sure the goddess is fine with this? Did you ask her if it was alright for her to be displayed as the guest of honor?"

Sinbad paused for a moment, trying to remember what all he said to you, exactly "Well, she's aware that the party is for her, but I never gave her a choice on the matter".

"Sinbad," Ja'far face-palmed "you do know what her reputation is, right?"

Sinbad chuckled "Oh ho ho, I'm aware of how she is, I've heard the stories!" Sinbad removed his legs from the top of the desk and sat up. He then put his elbows on the table and locked his fingers together, narrowing his eyes and smirking slightly "I know how she doesn't take any shit from anyone, no matter how important they are. She is a free spirit, and she is like no other woman that I have ever even heard of, both in poor hygiene and strength. If she is ever to be annoyed with anyone she wouldn't think twice about either kicking their ass or walking away".

Ja'far nodded, waiting for Sinbad to get to the point.

"But how is she to do any of that when she is immobilized and injured in my great kingdom of Sindria?" Sinbad flamboyantly waved his hand into the air, as if to show off his country "I can tell that her will to fight has already diminished, she's now just rolling with the punches."

"What are you planning, my King?" Ja'far didn't seem amused.

"I mean, if I were to take her in while she is down, I could possibly gain her as an ally for Sindria. Powers or not, she is the figurehead of both peace and power all over the seven seas."

"Please don't do this, Sin," Ja'far protested "the goddess has yet to ally with any country, I'm afraid she's not easily swayed even if you are helping her in the end or not".

Sinbad pushed himself away from his desk and stood up "Well I am not like any other King in any other country. You know this, right Ja'far?"

Ja'far took deep breaths, trying to remain composed "I see that there's no way I'm changing your mind, but please make sure you don't get her on our bad side if your plan goes awry. What could be especially dangerous is if she ends up gaining her powers back while also resenting you".

Sinbad's face lit up "Hey! What if she were to get her powers back while also ending up being our ally? That outcome would be an absolute dream come true! Good thinking, Ja'far!"

The King's advisor sighed, hoping for the best.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

You sat upon a sofa placed next to an open window in your room, sunlight gently hitting your face. It was only that morning when Sinbad announced the party being held for you, and it hadn't really sat right since then. Taking in the fresh air from the breeze outside really helped you calm some of your nerves at least.

You heard a light knock on the door "Goddess? It's me, Yamuraiha!"

You turn back in surprise "Oh! Uh, alright, you may enter!"

Remember Me, Sinbad [Magi: Sinbad x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now