Plan in Action

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You look to Sinbad, who was quite a distance away. He gives you the thumbs up, and you nod in response.

The first part of Sinbad's plan was the easiest of them all: you were going to be the bait.

Flipping over, you dive gracefully, headfirst into the water, submerging yourself in the oceans murky depths. You glance around, but see no trace of your target. With ease, you swim down further, hoping that the Great Fish would be residing at the bottom and not off somewhere else. It would be such a hassle to track it if it migrated elsewhere.

Maybe I just need to make more of a commotion?

You recall you and Sinbad getting attacked by the beast just moments before, but could it have only been alerted by your presence because of that big splash you made?

Well, it won't hurt to try something, I guess....

You wave your arms in rhythmic, circular motions in front of you. They almost look like ribbons whipping through the water. With each spin you create a faster and faster current twirling wildly before you. You continue doing this until you make a massive whirlpool. You can hear the WOOSHING and SPLASHING of water, and if the noise wasn't enough to draw attention, then the visuals certainly would.

You kept a sharp eye on your surroundings while you performed your distraction technique. The beast could come up to you from all sides, so you had to stay on your toes.

All of a sudden, you caught a flash of red glimmer in the corner of your eye. You halt your whirlpool and swim directly upward and out of the water. You float high into the air and look down. The seas surface is quiet, and you slowly come to a stop, suspended in the air. You look to Sinbad, who remained in the distance, but drew your eyes immediately back down.

Come on Fish. Take the bait!

The dark blue waters calm down after you emerged, and it nearly seemed like you might have acted too quickly. You didn't know if you needed to go under once more and do the plan over again or not. But before you lost all hope, you saw the color changed in the water. A dark red shadow was rushing up towards you, and it's sharp white teeth caught the rays of the sun.

Here it comes, and with such speed! If I remain still here for much longer I'll-

"Oh shit!" you yelp, flying further upward with all the speed you could muster.

The Great Fish leapt out of the water at you and soared into the air. Luckily, gravity was working against the beast, but not you. You managed to keep up a constant speed, but once the fish reached the hight its strength could send it, the beast began to fall back down to the sea.

"Now, Y/N!" Sinbad shouted in urgency.


You lifted up a section of ocean and enveloped the fish with in it, suspended in midair, using all of your strength to restrain it.

"Now, Sinbad!" you shout with shaking breath.

A storm began to brew. With Sinbad's power of Baal he began generating sparks, charging up all the electricity in the air. He molded a massive ball of energy with his two hands and shot it straight at the Great Fish.

Remember Me, Sinbad [Magi: Sinbad x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now