Washed Up

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It wasn't like you intentionally ignored Sinbad's cries after you, you just kind of tuned them out. And even though he was following you, you managed to slip away from him, despite your current state.

You had found your way past the city walls somehow; when someone is drunk, they can manage some strange things. In a haze, you admired the moon light casting itself along the top of the water. It was absolutely dazzling to see from upon gradual, grassy cliff decline you stood atop of.

Despite its beauty, being this close to the water made you feel a little more weak, but it was worth it. This is what you wanted, and the last thing you wanted was to talk to Sinbad right now, and he'd never look for you out here. You plopped down, wrapping your arms around your bent legs, resting your chin on your knees.

You let out a sigh "I'm an idiot, aren't I?"

All of a sudden, a sharp pain struck the back of your head after a loud THUNK echoed behind the walls with you. Your world turned black.

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Sinbad jogged up and down the entire palace, even doing laps around it, calling out your name, but he had no such luck. Ultimately, he ended up running back to the festivities, which had since died down tremendously since you had run off. The only people left there were some stragglers, the generals, and the clean up crew.

Sinbad looked around in a panic before his eyes locked on Ja'far. He ran toward him, giving him a start.

"Ja'far! Have you seen Y/N- er, the goddess come by here since I left?" Sinbad spewed the words out as fast as he could "I can't seem to find her anywhere!"

"Really, Sin?" Ja'far groaned. Arms crossed, the advisor glanced over at his king, taking note of the panic stricken expression his face adorned. Seeing Sinbad act in such a way made Ja'far drop his cold demeanor "Alright, I'm sure she hasn't gone too far. Sindria's only so big, so if we send all the generals out as a search party I'm sure we'll find her in no time".

Sinbad nodded "Good thinking!" he then gathered all his generals and told them of the plan, sending all of them out to cover the ground as evenly as possible.

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You felt your body bob up and down steadily, head throbbing, as you fluttered open your tired eyes.

You were in a small, wooden boarded room, with only one source of light: a single lantern in the far corner from where you sat, sitting upon a large barrel. You could hear the sound of crashing waves from the other side of the wall beside you.

A man in fancy, Arabian clothes sat on a crate in the middle of the room, leaning forward slightly, eyes shut. You heard light snoring coming from him. That sound enough was graining to your ears, making your headache worsen exponentially. You felt just as horrible as when Sinbad had walked you to the beach, but there was now a large, tender lump on the back of your head.

You had come to the conclusion that you were, in fact, on a ship. How or even why was still unclear, but all you figured was that you were not brought here by gentle means. You looked down at yourself; your legs were tied together at your ankles, and you could feel the binding around your wrists tied behind your back.

Despite your severe disadvantage, you attempted to get your footing and raise yourself up off the floor, but in your current state, that was merely wishful thinking. Not so gracefully, you toppled over, knocking the barrels behind you down in the process. The man in the room with you jolted awake.

"Wha-!" he blurted, startled, directing his eyes over to you as you groaned in a pile on the floor "She's awake!" the man shot up and scrambled to the stairs beside you, presumably to the upper deck.

Soon after, you heard more footsteps coming from atop the stairs. You had slowly gotten up and were now propped into the sitting position to get a better look at your kidnappers.

The man from before was following a tall, slender, older man, with a bald head and long, magenta robes with dazzling, silver designs on it. He had sharp, blue eyes that made even your skin crawl as he looked you up and down on the floor with a disappointed expression. As soon as he got an eye full of you down at his feet, he flashed a wicked smile your way.

"It's good to see you, little goddess. I do apologize if it seems me and my guild had done poorly on introductions, but I can assure you that we have actually met before," his voice sent an unnerving chill down your spine.

All you could do was breathe heavily. You put all your energy into listening to the strange man before you, it would have been an overload for you to even respond back.

He knelt down in front of you, meeting you eye to eye "Now don't look so scared, goddess, for we mean you no harm," his toothy grin looked empty of any truth from this close up "when I got the messages from Yamuraiha in Sindria, I was absolutely thrilled! At first I wasn't sure if it was really you, so I convinced her to give me more information, and then everything just connected! Truly, the stars have aligned for us".

Your breathing suddenly stopped when you heard him mention Yamuraiha, "G-Gray...?" you managed to mutter, absolutely stunned.

"Yes, it is I, Gray, the famous sorcerer known throughout the world of magic!" he tilted his head to you "but you, goddess of oceans, may address me as your father".

Everything got cold in the small, lower deck room of that ship. Your mouth was agape, and all you could do was sit and stare as your stomach dropped.

Remember Me, Sinbad [Magi: Sinbad x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now