Coffee Shop

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Chapter 4



Ugh. My head is throbbing. I never knew a hangover could be this painful.

When my body wakes up a little, I slide on my slippers that sit at the side of my bed. Fluffy, pink, bunny slippers, one of the many presents my grandmother has given me over the years. I refused to wear them when I was ten but I found them a few months ago and thought, why not?

Why am I babbling on about slippers? I must be more tired than I thought.

I rub my eyes and look around my bedroom. The walls are dark pink with silver, roses entangling up the wallpaper. My white vanity table sits in the corner with a square mirror hanging above it. Posters fill the pink walls, all of them are of my favourite bands and movie stars. Yep, I haven't quite grown up yet. I won't be taking them to university after the summer, that's for sure.

As I stand up, I notice all of the photos I have dotted around my mirror. Me and Abbie took a lot of pictures last summer, to remember our last few months of freedom before our exams. I have a summer job this year. I need as much money as I can to pay for my university course. Ugh.

"Let's not think about that right now, Ana. You have the whole summer to enjoy." I take a deep breath. Now, I'm even talking to myself.

I shake my head and walk towards the bathroom. I walk across the upstairs hallway. Our house has three floors and my bedroom is at the top, along with the bathroom of course.

The floorboards creak as I step over them and open the bathroom door.

After my hot shower, I wrap a towel around myself and look into the mirror, feeling a little more refreshed.

My green eyes stare back at me. They're not just green, they're so green that they actually glow sometimes. Weird right? I have no idea how or why they glow but I've learnt to live with it. It's very strange as both of my parents have blue eyes. Even my grandparents have blue eyes.

I run a comb through my long, brown hair and leave it to dry. I've tried to sort out my loose waves before, but every time I do, it ends up going frizzy anyway so I just leave it. My freckles are starting to come through as well, probably because of this sunny weather.

I really wish I didn't have to work this summer, but at least I have Abbie and my friends to hang out with in the evenings. I'm supposed to meet her for a coffee at ten o'clock. I really hope it's not too late as I didn't look at the time this morning.

I walk back into my bedroom and pull the purple curtains to the side, letting the sunlight stream in through the only window in the room. The window frame is circular and opens up freely so I can sneak out whenever I want.

My curtains have pictures of fairies spread across them. I've had these since I was twelve. The time of my life when I was obsessed with fairies. I even thought I was one. I used to dress up all the time in cute little outfits and wave my imaginary wand around.

The walls of my bedroom curve up at the sides and join at the top. This used to be the attic before we moved in. I just couldn't say no to this room. The window overlooks the town and the edge of the small village. 'The dark woods' as we call it. Let's not start that story again, it creeps me out.

But at night when I'm reading my books, I like to sit by the window on the little seat I've made on the ledge. I have a blanket and a few cushions pressed up against the cool glass. I like to look up at the stars, it makes me feel relaxed. I've named every star in the sky and have a notebook of different shapes I've made.

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