Suspicious Behaviour

125 14 6

Chapter 13



Penny has been acting rather strange for the last ten minutes or so. She has ditched her car which is parked between two spaces. People keep storming into the little cafe that we now sit and demand to know who's car it is. Penny snorts into her drink every time we see a red faced man thunder through the doors. I can't help but giggle.

"Why have we stopped in here?" I ask looking around.

The place is an old, grotty, little shop with about six tables. Each one is made with old, red oak including the chairs. Each table has it's own flowery cloth and a little purple candle that smells of lavender.

"I told you, I need my caffeine." She sips her drink but her eyes don't meet mine.

That's the forth cup of coffee she's had in the last ten minutes. How much caffeine does she need? I really need to call my parents, I bet there going out of their minds wondering where I am. I seem to have lost my mobile with all the chaos so I can't check my messages either. I can almost imagine what I've missed though. Probably a thousand texts and calls from my mother, a text from Abbie and probably some information about the scene at the bookshop. Suddenly the cafe doors burst open and in walks Loki. I should've guessed. He wears dark jeans and a designer t shirt, his dark hair is laying to the side and his eyes immediately meet mine.

That's why Penny's been acting so strange. Loki heads for our table. Penny downs a whole cup of coffee in one and looks up at him innocently. I wish I could pull off that look.

"Ready to go?" He asks looking at me.


"What?" I ask, not understanding.

"I'm taking you back to our apartment." Loki announces and picks up my coat on the back of the wooden chair.

"No, you're not," I crease my brows, "my parents must be worried sick about me." I think about how mum must be pacing the room right now and my dad is probably filling out a missing persons report on the phone to the police.

"I'll take care of it." Loki's blank expression is starting to tick me off.

"What do you mean you'll take care of it?"

"I'll take care of it, now put on your coat, it's starting to rain." He holds it out for me.

"I'm not five!" I snatch it back as his lips curl up slightly at the sides.

"You're not safe at home." Loki looks at Penny for backup but she's too busy ordering more coffee to pay any attention to us.

"Why?" I ask. Why aren't I safe at home? It's not like I'm being attacked right at this second anyway.

"The Demons have found you. Your house is the first place they'll look." He regards me intently and I narrow my eyes.

"I want to go home, I need to check my parents are ok." I glare at him until he finally gives in.

"Fine. I'll take you home." Result.

"Now put on your coat." Loki dismisses me as he starts whispering something to Penny. Her face turns serious for a moment as she stands up and hugs me.

"See ya around, Ana," she smiles and then walks towards the door, "I'll get them on the phone right now." She winks at Loki as her hips sway out of the door. Get who on the phone?

Most of the men in the cafe have turned around to watch her exit. Loki rolls his eyes and waits for me to get ready. Finally we reach his car. A black Audi. Wow. He walks over and opens the door for me.

"Thank you." I smile politely and climb in the passenger side.

Loki walks around and climbs in next to me.

"You ok?" He asks. Wow, where has Mr Serious come from?

"Yes I'm fine. I would just like to go home." I reply looking out my window.

The rain has started to beat down heavily on the roof as Loki pulls out into the main road. I hold onto the side at the car swerves into the fast lane. Super horse power car too no doubt.

"Ana, you're not safe at home," he takes a deep breath,"there will always be someone around watching you and making sure nothing happens ok?" He waits for my argument.

"There will? Why?"

"Because, demons will attack no matter how well you are protected. We need to be sure you're ok, they obviously want you badly for some reason. Until we figure that out you're to be watched at all times." He swerves in and out of lanes as we reach the outskirts of town.

The dark woods whizz past as Loki puts his foot down on the accelerator.

"Was Rebecca a demon?" I ask interrupting the silence.


"Was she trying to kill me?"


Definitely straight to the point isn't he?

"Why did she want to kill me?"

"We don't know Ana," he shakes his head in defeat,"but we're going to find out." He puts his foot in the brake just outside my house. That was fast.

"How'd you know where I live?" I narrow my eyes. What the hell? Has he been stalking me?

"We'll speak soon Ana." He looks at me with those deep brown eyes that make me blush. No, stop it Ana! I mentally slap myself and climb out of the car door.

"Later." I close it behind me and walk up the large front garden trying to miss tripping over the weeds as I know Loki is watching me to the door.

I roll my eyes and as soon as I reach the first step up the porch my mum rushes out and wraps her arms around me. I hear Loki's tyres screech and I know he's gone.

~*~ Hmmm, what's going to happen now? Demons after Ana?

What do you guys think so far?

I have slot of editing to do I know but this is just a rough draft! ;)

Liking Loki and Penny?

I'd love to hear your thoughts :D!!

Thank you for reading guys! ~*~

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