The Intrusion

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Chapter 15



As I get to my bedroom, I'm surrounded by the familiar pink walls and my homely fairy curtains. Walking over to my bed, I lay back on the silky purple duvet looking up toward the ceiling. The small, pink chandelier sways in the breeze swirling from the open window. Each small fragment of hanging glass clatters together, forming a chime that relaxes me instantly. I think back over the crazy few days I've had. What the hell is happening to me? First I get attacked at work by a Demon, then I get rescued by some really hot guys and a pink haired girl. Did I just call Loki, hot? Umm, Back track. Some extremely hot guys. That's better. Now the demons are after me? Whatever for? I'm not that special that the whole Demon army want me!

"Arghh!" I scream into a pillow.

Sighing, I decide to take a shower. It will take my mind off of things so I can just get back to normal. I walk into to the bathroom and past the full length mirror. Wait-

I walk backwards and look at my reflection. Oh god. In the chaos of everything I'd forgotten all about my new appearance. Long, flowing red hair that grows down past my waist and my new curves that fill out perfectly. My dark eyes watch me carefully as if I'm about to attack my own reflection. At least I've still got my freckles, some things never change. The girl in the reflection starts to move. She is certainly more graceful and confident than me by the way she moves. I stay completely still, watching. She gestures for me to follow her, to climb into the mirror. Is she crazy? Wait, that's me. I'm crazy? This is too confusing. I rub my eyes and open them again to check wether I'm just hallucinating. But she's gone. My whole reflection is gone. Wow this is so freaky. I feel like screaming. Have I gone invisible now?

Screw it, I've had enough crazy for one day. I hop into the shower as the hot water caresses my body, taking all my worries with it. I still feel incredibly guilty about my parents. They must have been going out of their minds looking for me.

I finally wrap a towel around my body and head back into my bedroom trying to avoid looking in the full length mirror, just in case the crazy girl decides to come back. Pulling out my hairdryer, I slide a comb through my long hair and begin the slow process of drying each strand. After ten minutes I finally give up and leave it to dry. Sitting at my vanity table I look at the photos surrounding the mirror. The normal me. The real me. Brown hair, freckles, average face. Abbie has her arm around wrapped around my skinny shoulders and we are both laughing. Her dark eyes and red hair instantly reminds me of my own. Am I turning into Abbie?

I return the photo and gaze at the girl in the mirror. She has returned. I put my heated hands to my cheeks and try to scrunch my face up to get it to change back. It's no use. The girl just stares at me. Cocking her head to the side, she watches me as if I'm a stranger, as if I'm from a whole different world. There's something strange about her eyes, a distant glowing in the dark hazel. She still regards me and puts her hand against the mirror. I just sit and watch. Is this really happening? Is my reflection moving on it's own? For a second I think about putting my hand up to meet hers but then I think better of it. I ignore her plea but it doesn't seem to sit well with her. As her head cocks to the side again, she reveals jagged teeth and a horrific evil smile.

My eyes widen, watching. Her eyes grow darker and she reveals her tiny, pointed ears. The small freckles on her face turn to boils as her cheeks redden in anger. I realise it's still me in the mirror and try to scrunch my face up again, anything to get my old look back.

"That's not going to work." A male voice surprises me and I turn around holding out my hairbrush, my heart beating furiously. It's Riley. Surely he didn't see the girl in the mirror?

"What the hell are you doing in my bedroom?" I shout.

"Whoa! Nice to see you too, princess." He smirks. It's just one of Loki's annoying friends. His jet, black hair falls over the dark circles surrounding his fluorescent, blue eyes that watch me. He wears skinny jeans and a designer T-shirt that shows off every one of his rippling muscles.

He leans against the wall, amused with the situation. What is he doing here? I suddenly feel slightly conscious of what I'm wearing, as I stand in just a pink towel. It just about covers up my thighs as I try to pull it down a little more.

"What are you doing here?" I put on my most terrifying scowl but it only makes him laugh.

"You look cute when you get angry." He grins taking a seat on my bed. Who said he was staying? I put my hands on my hips and he finally sighs.

"Look, I've been sent here to protect your sorry ass, ok?" He leans back on his elbows.

Mum would have an absolute fit if she knew he was up here.

"Protect me?" I reply.


"From what?"

"What do you think princess?"

"Stop calling me that!" I hold out my hairbrush again. He doesn't fear it as much as I'd like him too. He just looks amused.

"Who sent you?" I ask but I already know the answer.

"That would be telling." He grins yet again.

"I'm not in the mood for games." I reply, not amused with the situation.

"Too bad, I like games."

"Cut it out!" I feel like smacking him.

"Loki sent me. He wants his mate protected."

"Mate?" I ask shocked, what does that mean?

"His girl, or whatever." He shrugs getting bored with the conversation.

"I'm not his girl! Or his mate." I snap and this seems to brighten up the sparkle in Riley's blue eyes.

"Hmm, interesting. He seems to think you are."

"Well, I'm not." I huff and sit down again. I re-adjust my towel so it covers up as much of me as possible.

"You know it's very hard to concentrate with you in just a towel." The corners of his lips curve up slightly. Pervert.

Is he doing this to piss me off or is he really that much of a jackass?

"My eyes are up here." I point upwards and he looks away from where his eyes were fixated.

"Look, I'll be around if you need me princess." He gets up off the bed and climbs out the window.

I'm really starting to hate that nickname.

"Laters." He calls as I watch him jump down off the roof.

I quickly throw on some clothes before I get any other unwanted visitors today.

"Dinners ready!" Mum calls from downstairs. I'd better go wash up.

~*~ What do you guys think of Riley? Ana's new protector! He's a bit flirtatious but it doesn't seem to work on Ana. Remember don't forget to vote and comment with your thoughts on this chapter! ~*~

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2015 ⏰

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